Becoming a teacher

Winter 2013 Newsletter

Message from the Interim Dean

It is an honor to be a part of Cal Poly’s School of Education team. Our school prepares terrific teachers, administrators and counselors who go on to serve throughout California and the nation, making a positive contribution to the lives of thousands of children and young people.
Continue reading Dean Detweiler's message


Thank You to Our 2012-13 Donors

The School of Education sends a big thank you to all of this year's donors. Private support from our alumni, parents and friends helps the School of Education continue to provide an exceptional Learn by Doing education for today's students. We greatly appreciate your support. 
See the full list of donors

Co-Teaching in the Elementary Classroom

teachers and students in elementary classroom

During winter quarter 2013, half of the multiple subject teacher candidates were placed in co-teaching classrooms, a new approach to student teaching in which, from day one, the candidates are involved in planning, teaching and assessing lessons with their cooperating teachers. This partnership provided enhanced learning opportunities for everyone involved.
Read more on co-teaching

Kathy Harris Retires After 40 Years in Education

Kathy Harris

After more than 40 years in education, including nine years at Cal Poly, Kathy Harris retired at the end of the 2011-12 academic year. Fortunately for Cal Poly’s School of Education, Harris has opted to participate in the Faculty Early Retirement Program and will teach courses in winter and spring quarters for the next few years.
Read more on Harris

School of Education Professors Produce Video to Help Women Succeed in STEM

Making the Grade

Two professors in the master's program in counseling and guidance have produced a video designed to help women excel in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) majors. In the 12-minute video, eight female Cal Poly grads tell their stories of what it took to succeed.
Read more on the Making the Grade video
View the Making the Grade video

Children’s Author Brings Art, Music and Play to San Luis Obispo

Barney Saltzberg

Barney Saltzberg, a well-known children’s book author, gave a presentation titled “Explore Ways to Motivate Through Art and Music and Play” to School of Education students and staff in February. Teachers from surrounding school districts and literature-loving community members also attended. Each attendee was treated to one of Saltzberg's books along with a delightful dinner.
Read more on the Saltzberg event

School of Education Hosts Night in Rome Fundraiser

On November 2, the School of Education hosted a “Night in Rome” to raise funds for student scholarships. The event was held at Café Roma and included dinner, drinks and both a silent and live auction. Local businesses and theaters generously donated prizes for the auction, and Jim Brescia, superintendent of Cayucos School District, served as auctioneer.
Read more on the fundraiser

Teacher Candidates Attend Bilingual Education Conference


Seven multiple subject teacher candidates seeking a Spanish/English Bilingual Authorization attended the California Association of Bilingual Education conference February 13-16 in Long Beach, Calif. The annual conference provides opportunities for professional development and networking with other bilingual educators, parents and staff from across the state. 
Read more on the CABE conference

Agriculture Teaching Candidates Make Concrete Contributions to School Sites

Teacher candidates inevitably make an impact on their teaching sites by inspiring students and helping them learn. Agriculture teaching candidates also make a physical contribution to their school sites. By working with students on projects such as building a new wash rack at the school laboratory site and landscaping the agriculture department, the candidates transform a required assignment into a vibrant Learn by Doing experience. Students are involved in every step of the process, from initial design to completion.
Read more on the candidates' contributions

Alumna Wins Research Presentation Award

Kathleen Krueger (B.S., Biological Sciences, 2004; Single Subject Credential in Biological Sciences, 2010) received the second place Margaret Burbidge Award for best experimental research at the 2012 American Physical Society, California-Nevada Section Annual Conference.
Read more on Krueger

Cal Poly Welcomes New Special Education Teacher-in-Residence

Erin Blair

Erin Blair joined the School of Education in fall 2012. Blair has worked in education for 20 years as an elementary teacher in general education and as a teacher and program specialist in special education. Blair earned a bachelor’s degree in child development and liberal studies from Fresno State, a multiple subject teaching credential from Chapman University, and both a master’s degree in education with a special education emphasis and a clear education specialist credential from Cal Poly.
Read more on Blair


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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407