Becoming a teacher

English Learner Authorizations

California statute requires that every teacher who provides instructional services to an English learner be authorized to provide specialized instruction for those learners. This instruction would either 1) help the learners to understand instruction that is taught only in English, 2) help the learners develop their ability to listen, speak, read and write in English, 3) be provided in the learners' primary language as English is acquired, or 4) be taught in a language other than English for those learners in a dual immersion program. These are more commonly referred to as English Language Development (ELD)*, Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)*, also referred to as ‘integrated’ language development, and bilingual instruction. Different authorizations are available for distinct purposes and credential holders. For a summary of all documents that authorize instruction to EL students, see the leaflet Serving English Learners, CL-622

Cal Poly candidates recommended for a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential will receive a Revised English Learner Authorization (ELAM/S/E). Cal Poly recommended candidates do not receive a Full English Learner Authorization (ELA1).




  • English Learner Authorization Multiple Subject (ELAM) - The Multiple Subject Preliminary Teacher Preparation Program includes content for teaching English learners that authorizes the credential holder to provide instruction for English language development and specially designed academic instruction in English within the subject area and grade level authorization of the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. The following instructional services may be provided to English learners in the settings and content area(s) specified on this document: (1) English language development defined as instruction designed specifically for limited-English-proficient students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English; and (2) specially designed content instruction delivered in English defined as instruction in a subject area, delivered in English, that is specially designed to meet the needs of limited-English-proficient students. This English learner authorization also covers classes taught on the basis of other valid, non-emergency credentials or permits held within the settings or content/specialty area(s) listed at the grade or age levels authorized.
  • English Learner Authorization Single Subject (ELAS) - The Single Subject Preliminary Credential teacher preparation program includes content for teaching English learners that authorizes the credential holder to provide instruction for English language development and specially designed academic instruction in English within the subject area and grade level authorization of the Single Subject Teaching Credential. The following instructional services may be provided to English learners within the content area(s) listed on this document: (1) English language development defined as instruction designed specifically for limited-English-proficient students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English; and (2) specially designed content instruction delivered in English defined as instruction in a subject area, delivered in English, that is specially designed to meet the needs of limited-English-proficient students. This English learner authorization also covers classes taught on the basis of other valid, non-emergency credentials or  permits held within the settings or content/specialty area(s) listed at the grade or age levels authorized.
  • English Learner Authorization Education Specialist (ELAE) - The Education Specialist Preliminary Teacher Preparation Program includes content for teaching English learners that authorizes the credential holder to provide instruction for English language development and specially designed academic instruction in English within the subject area and grade level authorization of the Education Specialist Instruction Teaching Credential. The following instructional services may be provided to English learners within the specialty area(s) and grade/age level authorization of this document: (1) English language development defined as instruction designed specifically for limited-English-proficient students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English; and (2) specially designed content instruction delivered in English defined as instruction in a subject area, delivered in English, that is specially designed to meet the needs of limited-English-proficient students. This English learner authorization also covers classes taught on the basis of other valid, non-emergency credentials or permits held within the settings or content/specialty area(s) listed at the grade or age levels authorized.

Types of Instruction Authorized by the Revised English Learner Authorization (ELAM/S/E)* earned at Cal Poly

  • Instruction for Integrated and Designated English Language Development (ELD) (does not allow for Departmentalized ELD)
    • English Language Development (ELD) is a content subject area. ELD is instruction appropriate for the level of language proficiency as identified for each EL student. The instruction is designed to promote the effective and efficient acquisition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of the EL student. This type of instruction is also known as English as a Second Language (ESL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
  • Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE)


    • Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE) is an instructional approach designed to increase the level of comprehensibility of the English language in the content area of the class. This specially designed content instruction in subject matter, such as math or social science, is presented in English to English learners in classes which are restricted to instruction in the subject area and grade level of the prerequisite credential or permit (as applicable).



Documents Authorizing Designated ELD and Integrated ELD

Document Title CTC Code
Full ELA (or CLAD Emphasis) or Emergency CLAD ELA1
Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist with revised ELA* ELAM, ELAS, or ELAE*
CLAD Certificate SA12
Bilingual Authorization or Emergency Bilingual Authorization  BA** (ex. BASP)
Single Subject in World Language: ELD WLEL, WLEX
Supplemental Auth. in ESL or Introductory ESL R1B (IESL subject)
District Intern Credential with revised ELA ELA3
Some Certificates of Completion of Staff Development Various

*Cal Poly candidates recommended for a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential will receive a Revised English Learner Authorization (ELAM/S/E). Cal Poly recommended candidates do not receive a Full English Learner Authorization (ELA1).




  • Requirements for the full English Learner Authorization (ELA - authorizes departmentalized ELD) or Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate may be satisfied by coursework completed through a Commission-approved CTEL program, passing the appropriate Commission-approved examinations, or through a combination of exams and coursework. Individuals must have a valid prerequisite credential on file at the time of issuance for either of these authorizations. Information regarding specific requirements can be found on the English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate leaflet, CL-628C



    Requirements for the Full EL Authorization/CLAD Certificate

    • Possess a valid California teaching credential
    • Verification of experience learning a second language (Individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited college or university are deemed to have satisfied the second language requirement)
    • Verify one of the following:
      • Passing scores on Tests 1, 2 and 3 of the California Teacher of English Learners (CTEL) Examination. Scores used for certification purposes may be no older than ten years from the individual passed exam date.
      • Completion of coursework in a Commission-approved CTEL program. Once the program has been completed, the program sponsor must recommend the applicant for the Full EL Authorization or CLAD Certificate.
      • Completion of course work in a Commission-approved CTEL program combined with passing scores on the CTEL Examination, based on equivalency as determined by a Commission-approved CTEL program.
      • For a complete list of additional options and important notes, see Leaflet CL-628C

    Applying for the EL Authorization/CLAD Certificate

    Individuals who have met all of the requirements for an EL Authorization or CLAD Certificate by examination or out-of-state equivalency may apply directly to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Instructions on how to apply can be found on the English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate leaflet, CL-628C.



Documents Authorizing Departmentalized ELD

Document title CTC Code
Full English Learner Authorization (or CLAD Emphasis) or Emergency CLAD ELA1
CLAD Certificate SA12
Bilingual Authorization or Emergency Bilingual Authorization  BA** (ex. BASP)
Single Subject Teaching Credential in World Language: ELD content area WLEL, WLEX
Supplemental Auth. in ESL or Introductory ESL R1B (IESL subject)

*This document is not earned via the Cal Poly credential programs.




  • Bilingual Authorization in Spanish (BASP) - The following instructional services may be provided to English learners: (1) instruction for English language development in grades twelve and below, including preschool, and in classes organized primarily for adults. If the prerequisite credential or permit is a designated subjects adult education teaching credential, a child development instructional permit, or a child development supervision permit, English language development instruction is limited to the programs authorized by that credential or permit; (2) specially designed content instruction delivered in English in the subjects, programs and at the grade levels authorized by the prerequisite credential or permit; (3) content instruction delivered in the language of Spanish in the subjects, programs and at the grade levels authorized by the prerequisite credential or permit; and (4) instruction for primary language development in the language of Spanish in grades twelve and below, including preschool, and in classes organized primarily for adults. If the prerequisite credential or permit is a designated subjects adult education teaching credential, a child The following instructional services may be provided to English learners: (1) instruction for English language development in grades twelve and below, including preschool, and in classes organized primarily for adults. If the prerequisite credential or permit is a designated subjects adult education teaching credential, a child development instructional permit, or a child development supervision permit, English language development instruction is limited to the programs authorized by that credential or permit; (2) specially designed content instruction delivered in English in the subjects, programs and at the grade levels authorized by the prerequisite credential or permit; (3) content instruction delivered in the language of Spanish in the subjects, programs and at the grade levels authorized by the prerequisite credential or permit; and (4) instruction for primary language development in the language of Spanish in grades twelve and below, including preschool, and in classes organized primarily for adults. 


Types of Instruction Authorized by the Bilingual Authorization

  • Instruction for English Language Development (ELD)
  • Instruction for Primary Language Development
  • Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE)
  • Content Instruction Delivered in the Primary Language


Definitions of Types of Instruction

Instruction for English language development (ELD) means instruction designed specifically for EL students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. This type of instruction is also known as English as a Second Language (ESL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

  • Instruction for primary language development means instruction for EL students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in their primary language.
  • Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE) means instruction in a subject area delivered in English that is specially designed to provide EL students with access to the curriculum.
  • Content Instruction Delivered in the Primary Language means instruction for EL students in a subject area delivered in the students’ primary language.


Requirements for the Bilingual Authorization (CL-628B)

Individuals who complete a Bilingual Authorization program or a combination of program coursework and bilingual examinations must be recommended by their Commission-approved Bilingual Authorization program sponsor and complete the application and payment online. Individuals that pass all the required CSET: World Languages subtests and meet the requirements below may apply directly to the Commission for the Bilingual Authorization by submitting all of the following:

  1. One of the following:
    1. Verify holding or eligibility for a CLAD Certificate or teaching credential with an English learner authorization (For more information, see leaflet CL-628C).
    2. Original or photocopy of a CTEL Examination score report.
    3. Photocopy of an out-of-state credential showing a full English learner authorization.
  2. Original or photocopy of the CSET: World Languages Examination score report.
  3. Completed application (form 41-4Open PDF in current window.).
  4. Application processing fee.

Applicants requesting the bilingual authorization who hold more than one eligible document must designate the specific prerequisite document to which the authorization should be added. If more than one valid prerequisite document is held, it is not necessary to file an additional application or pay an additional fee, as the authorization on one document already applies to all other valid prerequisites held by the teacher. However, if an individual wants to add the authorization to more than one document, a separate application and fee will be required for each additional valid prerequisite document.



Documents Authorizing Bilingual Instruction

Document Title ctc code
Bilingual Authorization* BA** (ex. BASP)*
Emergency Bilingual Authorization Permit BA** (ex. BASP)
Provisional Internship Permit/Short Term Staff Permit with
Bilingual Authorization
BA** (ex. BASP)

*Cal Poly candidates recommended for a Bilingual Authorization in Spanish will receive this document. 

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California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407