Becoming a teacher

Candidate Handbook

This page contains electronic documents related to policies and procedures for candidates enrolled in Cal Poly School of Education credential and master's degree programs. For forms, documents, or other resources that are frequently updated with new information for candidates, please visit the Candidate Forms & Documents page.

Single Subject Teacher Education Preparation (SSTEP)

SOE General Policies PDF File PDF
Clinical Practice Handbook  PDF File PDF
SSTEP Program Handbook PDF File PDF
SSTEP Program Accreditation Website Go to Link Link

Multiple Subject Teacher Education Preparation (MSTEP)

SOE General Policies PDF File PDF
Clinical Practice Handbook  PDF File PDF
MSTEP Program Handbook  PDF File PDF

MSTEP Program Accreditation Website

Go to Link Link

Special Education Teacher Preparation  (SPED)

SOE General Policies PDF File PDF
Clinical Practice Handbook  PDF File PDF
SPED Program Handbook (currently being updated) PDF File PDF

SPED Program Accreditation Website (currently being updated)

Go to Link Link

Spanish Authorization for Bilingual Educators (SABE)

SOE General Policies PDF File PDF
SABE Program Handbook (currently being updated) PDF File PDF

SABE Program Accreditation Website

Go to Link Link

Educational Leadership and Administrator Preparation (ELAP)

SOE General Policies PDF File PDF
ELAP Clinical Practice Handbook (currently being updated) PDF File PDF
ELAP Program Handbook (currently being updated) PDF File PDF

ELAP Program Accreditation Website

Go to Link Link

Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)

SOE General Policies PDF File PDF
C&I Program Handbook (N/A) PDF File PDF

Higher Education Counseling & Student Affairs (HECSA)

SOE General Policies PDF File PDF
HECSA Fieldwork Handbook PDF File PDF
HECSA Program Handbook (currently being updated) PDF File PDF


Note: Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information in the online Candidate Handbooks. Candidates, and others who use the Handbooks, should note that laws, rules, and policies change from time to time, and these changes may alter the standards and policies required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing; statutes enacted by the California Legislature; and rules and policies adopted by the California State University Board of Trustees, by the Chancellor or designee of the California State University system, or by the President or designee of the institution. Further, it is not possible to include all of the rules, policies, and other information that pertain to the candidate, the program, the institution, and the California State University system.

Nothing in the Candidate Handbooks shall be construed, operate as, or have the effect of an abridgment or a limitation of any rights, powers, or privileges of the Board of Trustees of the California State University system, the Chancellor of the California State University system, or the President of the Cal Poly campus. The Trustees, the Chancellor, and the President are authorized by law to adopt, amend, or repeal rules and policies that may apply to candidates.

The Candidate Handbooks does not constitute a contract or the terms or conditions of a contract between the candidate and the institution or the California State University system. The relationship of the candidate to the institution is one governed by statute, rules, and policy adopted by the California State Legislature, the Trustees, the Chancellor, the President, and their duly authorized designees. Any question on the information contained should be directed to your academic advisor or the School of Education.

Additional Note (Teach Out Plan): Once a candidate is accepted and enrolls in an educator preparation program, the School of Education commits to meeting all the adopted program standards, until the candidate: i. completes the program; ii. withdraws from the program; iii. is dropped from the program based on established criteria; or iv. is admitted to another approved program to complete the requirements, with minimal disruption, for the authorization. In the event the program closes, a teach out plan, which includes individual transition plans for each candidate as well as a plan for candidates and graduates to access their student records would be developed; however, there are no plans to discontinue any of our current programs. We have strong enrollment and full support of our administration. 

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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407