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Thank You for Supporting the School of Education

Private support from our alumni, parents and friends helps the School of Education continue to provide an exceptional Learn by Doing education for today's students. The organizations and individuals below donated to the school during the 2011-12 academic year.

We greatly appreciate your support.

Donors 2011-12


The Boeing Company

General Electric Company

Montessori Children's School



Allyn E. and Concettina T. Arnold

Alta C. Hester

Ann P. and David H. Miller

Anonymous Donor

Arthur N. and Edith M. Hicks

Billye J. Wilcoxson

Bruce M. and June B. Butler

Carmela D. and David G. Kessler

Carole H. and Jon R. Smoot

Catharine M. Farrell

Celeste and Jim Royer

Clark A. Millholland

Clinton A. and Susan L. Phalen

Connie Hanretty-Church

Dale N. and Mary E. Dalgaard

Dana Guevara Pelfrey

David A. and Anita F. Goodfield

David L. and Susan M. Gill

David M. and Catherine Francis

Diana B. and John D. Barnhart

Elaine C. Guzman

Emily I. LePage Wu and Patrick P. Wu

Evelyn R. and Harvey Greenwald

George I. and Marily A. Bentley

Gerald W. and Patricia A. McGowan

Harriet D. and James J. Lupinetti

Ilene L. and Robert C. Bradberry

James and Elizabeth Ann Whitehead

Janet A. and Lynn A. Davies

Jo Anne M. and Lawrence Laird

John G. and Marta S. Bechtol

John J. and Mary M. Cain

John Leo

John O. Brooks

John W. and Audrey G. Miller

Katrina L. Cope

Larry S. Ratner

LaVerne Bucy

Lillian J. Swanson

Lu Chi-Fa

Lurline E. Bucy

Margaret M. and Truman J. Hedemark

Margaret P. and Paul R. Ontiveros

Maria L. and Wesley J. Gill

Mary Jane Brooks

Mary L. Zuanich

Mary N. and Paul H. Kern

Marylou B. and Reginald H. Gooden

Michael L. Heyl

Nancy E. Henderson and John M. Nocero

Nancy H. and V. E. Wolfe

Nancy Needham

Pamela E. Gildersleeve

Patricia A. Hayner and Adair J. Johnson

Patricia B. and Thomas W. Bleier

Patricia M. Ochs

Patricia R. Johns

Rich D. and Ruth E. Max

Richard J. and Katy M. Atkinson

Richard M. and Sally S. Equinoa

Roger A. and Shirley M. St. Denis

Roger T. and Sandra L. Case

Sally C. Brown-Lauruhn and Delbert W. Lauruhn

Scott E. and Nancy Brownell

Sharon L. Munroe

Susan L. and Fred Faulkner

Susan L. and James R. McBride

Susan L. Williams

Terry P. Frederick

Victoria P. English

Virginia R. Bauer

William E. and Elizabeth A. Sanford

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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407