Individuals must have a valid prerequisite credential on file at the time of issuance for either of these authorizations.
Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:
Possess a valid California teaching credential that authorizes the holder to provide instruction to pupils.
Possess a valid Language Development Specialist (LDS) Certificate, CLAD Certificate, teaching credential with an English Learner Authorization or CLAD Emphasis.
Completion of course work in a Commission-approved bilingual program. Once the program has been completed, the program sponsor must recommend the applicant for the Bilingual Authorization.
Types of Instruction to English Learners Authorized by the Bilingual Authorization
- Instruction for English Language Development (ELD)
- Instruction for Primary Language Development
- Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE)
- Content Instruction Delivered in the Primary Language
Definitions of Types of Instruction
Instruction for English language development (ELD) means instruction designed specifically for EL students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. This type of instruction is also known as English as a Second Language (ESL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
Instruction for primary language development means instruction for EL students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in their primary language.
Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE) means instruction in a subject area delivered in English that is specially designed to provide EL students with access to the curriculum.
Content Instruction Delivered in the Primary Language means instruction for EL students in a subject area delivered in the students’ primary language.
See Bilingual Authorizations Leaflet CL-628b for more information.
Find additional information on our English Learner Authorizations web page.