Becoming a teacher

Graduate Research Symposium 2023

 2nd Graduate Research Symposium

School of Education, Building 2

Thursday, May 18, 2023

From 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. (Presenters are invited to be there at 4:00 p.m.)


The School of Education’s very first Graduate Research Symposium was held in May 2022 — an inaugural event designed to apply Learn by Doing in the context of graduate education.  

Incorporating research and reflective practice, the first of many events to come showcased ideas, findings, original work, and knowledge on specific new initiatives, challenges, and emerging issues in the field of education.   

Presentations included topics titled “Identifying Knowledge Gaps Among College Students Surrounding Risks & Impacts of Marijuana Use,” “Defining Mixed-Race College Students: Examining Graduation Gaps Between Multiracial & Monoracial Undergraduates,” “The Lived Experiences of College Students with Autism in Regards to Career Development,” and “The Effects of Self-Monitoring on the On-Task Behaviors of an Elementary Student with ADHD.”  

School of Education Dean Kevin Taylor said: “It’s high time we showcased the remarkable work being done by our graduate students and I am excited to see the School of Education Graduate Research Symposium come to fruition.”  

Meet our Researchers


The Event

Learn by Doing in the context of Graduate Education involves research, and reflective practice. For many years this has been at the heart of our masters degree programs in Curriculum and Instruction (C&I), Special Education (SPED), Higher Education Counseling and Students Affairs (HECSA), and Educational Leadership and Administration (ELAP). 

The annual Graduate Research Symposium will provide a unique and exciting opportunity for current students, faculty, and alumni to share their ideas, findings, original work, and knowledge on specific new initiatives, challenges and emerging issues in the field of education.

Refreshments and food will be provided during the whole event; guests and presenters will be able to observe and participate in all posters and roundtables. For further details, please refer to the program.

Directions and Parking


The easiest way to reach the School of Education is by arriving on campus from California Boulevard. You can find an interactive map of Cal Poly and Building 2 here, or you can refer to the map contained in the program below.




All guests will be required to purchase a parking permit. For your convenience, pay stations have been placed in many parking areas on campus for easy access to purchase parking for your visit.


Presenters who required a parking permit for the event will be given a complimentary permit. If your choice has changed, please send an email to


Download the program here:


The School of Education is proud to be a Cal Poly Green Certified office. To maintain our commitment to environmental sustainability, our 2023 Graduate research Symposium Program will be only available online.

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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407