1. Bachelor’s degree
Must be in progress or completed from a regionally accredited institution. Must have a bachelor’s degree conferred prior to the program start.
2. GPA
Cumulative higher education grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 for the last 90 quarter units (or 60 semester units) OR have a Higher Education cumulative GPA of 2.67.
If below the required GPA for both categories, contact the Credential Office as soon as possible.
3. Prerequisite Coursework
See approved coursework below.
4. Subject Matter Competency
Candidates are only required to utilize one of the following options to meet the Subject Matter Competency Requirement.
Bachelor's Degree or Higher
AB 130 expanded the available options to allow candidates to meet the Subject Matter Requirement through successful completion of an academic major in the subject they will teach. Utilize the table below to determine eligibility.
Special Education Approved Degrees |
- Any of the approved degrees for the Multiple or Single Subject Credential - SEE BELOW |
Multiple Subject Approved degrees |
-Liberal Studies |
-Liberal Arts |
-Elementary Education |
- Interdisciplinary major that includes coursework in the content areas identified in subdivision (b) of California Education Code section 44282. Interdisciplinary majors will require an evaluation. |
Single Subject Approved Degrees |
-Agriculture |
-Art |
-Business |
-English |
-Health Science |
-Home Economics |
-Industrial & Tech Education |
-Mathematics (including Statistics) |
-Music |
-Phys. Education |
-Science (including Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience or Earth and Space Science, and Physics) |
-Social Science |
-Theater |
-World Languages |
For the single subject area World Language: English Language Development, an academic degree major in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) or Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).
For the single subject area of Home Economics, an academic degree major in family and consumer science.
For the single subject area of Mathematics, an academic degree major in statistics.
For the single subject area of Science: Biological Science, an academic degree major in biology, biological engineering, or biochemistry. PROGRAM SPONSOR ALERT 23-04: Approval of Regulations Regarding Demonstration of Subject Matter Competence Page 3
For the single subject area of Science: Chemistry, an academic degree major in chemical engineering or biochemistry.
For the single subject area of Science: Geoscience, an academic degree major in geology or earth science.
For the single subject area of Science: Physics, an academic degree major in mechanical or structural engineering.
For the single subject area of Science: Foundational-Level Science, an academic degree major in any type of engineering or any degree major offered by a college or university science department.
Please email soe@calpoly.edu if you would like additional clarification of approved degrees.
AB 130 allows candidates to use qualifying coursework to meet the domains of the CSET subtests. Candidates can determine if they are eligible for this option by requesting a SMC Evaluation.
*We are unable to accept requests from Cal Poly undergrads who are not attending a Cal Poly credential program.
CSET Exams
Successful passing of all the CSET subtests specific to your credential objective. Special Education candidates can decide which CSET content subtests they would like to use however the Multiple Subject CSET is recommended.
COntent area |
cset subtests |
Agriculture |
Agriculture Subtests I (172), II (173) & III (174) |
Biology |
Science: Life Science Subtests I (215) & II (217)
(prior to 8/6/17 I (118), II (119) & III (120))
Chemistry |
Science: Chemistry Subtests I (215) & II (218)
(prior to 8/6/17 I (118),
II (119) & III (121)
English |
English Subtests I (105), II (106), III (107) & IV (108) |
Geosciences |
Science: Earth & Space Sciences Subtests I (215) & II (219)
(prior to 8/6/17 I (118), II (119) & III (122)
Mathematics |
Mathematics Subtests I (211), II (212) & III (213) |
Multiple Subject |
Multiple Subject Subtests I (101), II (214) & III (103) |
Physics |
Science: Physics Subtests I (215) & II (220)
(prior to 8/6/17 I (118), II (119) & III (123))
Social Science |
Social Science Subtests I (114), II (115) & III (116) |
Spanish |
Spanish Subtests I (145), II (146) & III (147) |
Exams + Coursework
This option allows for some subtests to be met by coursework and some to be met by passing the CSET. For example, a candidate may meet Multiple Subjects CSET Subtest I with qualifying coursework, and meet Subtests II & III by passing the exams. Candidates should start by requesting a SMC Evaluation of their coursework to determine which subtests they meet with coursework. The Credential Office will then provide them with instructions on which subtests the candidate needs to take.
Candidates are only eligible to request Cal Poly SMC Evaluations if they are affiliated with Cal Poly, including candidates who:
Completed an undergraduate degree at Cal Poly and are applying to enroll in an Educator Preparation Program at Cal Poly* OR,
Completed an undergraduate degree at another institution and are applying to enroll in an Educator Preparation Program at Cal Poly
Cal Poly SMC Evaluations can be requested by emailing the SOE Credential Office at soe@calpoly.edu.
*We are unable to accept requests from Cal Poly undergrads who are not attending a Cal Poly credential program.
Subject Matter Preparation Program
Completion of a subject matter program approved by the commission.
Single subject content area |
Cal Poly Prep program offered? |
Agriculture |
Yes - Agriculture |
English |
Yes - English |
Mathematics |
Yes - Mathematics |
Music (Credential Not Offered @ Cal Poly) |
Yes - Music |
Science |
No |
Social Science |
Yes - Social Science |
Spanish |
No |
We recommend reaching out to the Credential Advisors for support in determining how you will meet Subject Matter Competence.
Credential Office Advising
Credential Office Advising Hours
Use Bookings* to schedule a virtual advising appointment.
*Alternate times are available by appointment; please email for additional times.
5. Basic Skills Requirement
6. Certificate of Clearance (CoC)
Complete the two-step process including LiveScan fingerprinting and COC application on the CTC website and ensure issuance of a Certificate of Clearance.
Important Notes for Completing the COC:
- Ensure SSN on your LiveScan form matches your CTC Educator Profile.
- Ensure name on your LiveScan & CTC Educator Profile matches exactly what is on your ID or Driver's License.
- Fingerprints are valid for 18 months, you must complete the application on the CTC website within that time for them to be matched up.
- Be sure to answer the Professional Fitness Questions accurately and honestly!
*If you have a valid Sub Permit, you do not need to obtain a Certificate of Clearance. The Sub Permit will need to remain valid for the entire credential program.
7. Proof of Tuberculosis Clearance
A current (within 4 years) Tuberculosis Test or Screening is required for Clinical Practice Placement.
8. Letters of Recommendation
Applicants will enter the names and contact information of three references into the Cal State Apply application. Once entered, the recommenders will receive an email asking for them to complete a survey and upload their letter. Applicants can submit the information for their recommenders prior to submitting their application.
1. Complete a Graduate Application - Cal State Apply
Cal State Apply by the deadline (or preferably before) to be considered for the Integrated M.S. in Special Education / Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Credential Program (MS/SPED).
Visit the Cal State Apply Help Center for more information.
Please note there is a $70 application fee for Cal State Apply.
Cal Poly Undergrads: Be sure your Extended Profile matches the image below.

EDUC 427
Theories, Methods, and Assessments of 1st and 2nd Language Acquisition in Schools
EDUC 427 (4 units) Theories, methods, materials and assessment involved in the instruction of emergent bilingual students. Bilingual, transitional, and English only programs compared across a historical framework. Emphasis on an integrated language arts approach; theories of language acquisition. 3 seminars, 1 activity. Participation in public schools requires mandated fingerprint clearance.
- Approved substitute offered via UCSD Extension for non-Cal Poly applicants.
EDUC 440
Educating Individuals with Exceptional Needs
EDUC 440 (4 units) Characteristics, incidence, and etiology of individuals with exceptional needs. Problems, assessment, and approaches toward accommodating students with exceptional needs in the regular classroom. 3 seminars, 1 activity.
- Approved substitute offered via UCSD Extension for non-Cal Poly applicants.
HLTH 250 (4 units) Personal health with emphasis on healthful behavioral practices including physical fitness, nutrition, psychosocial well-being, alcohol and other drugs, intentional and unintentional injury, reproductive health, infectious and non-infectious diseases. Not open to students with credit in HLTH/KINE 255. Course may be offered in classroom-based or online format. 4 lectures. Fulfills GE Area E (GE Area D4 for students on the 2017-19 or earlier catalogs).
- Approved substitute offered via UCSD Extension for non-Cal Poly applicants.
Meet prerequisites through transfer coursework
Transfer coursework can be reviewed for approval as substitutions for the above prerequisite courses by completing the steps below. *
Provide the following supporting documents via email to soe@calpoly.edu:
- An unofficial transcript** highlighting the course to be substituted; AND
- A copy of the course catalog description from the college you attended; AND
- A copy of your course syllabus
* Course substitutions are not guaranteed and requests can be denied if the transfer coursework does not meet the necessary requirements.
** For credential program courses, we will only consider substitutions if you received a grade of “C” or better.