Becoming a teacher

Single Subject - Program Review Launchpad

1. Program Description

1.1 Narrative Description

Overview of Cal Poly and the School of Education
Founded in 1901 as a state vocational high school, Cal Poly has evolved into a comprehensive polytechnic university with an emphasis on experiential learning. The School of Education (SOE) embodies Cal Poly’s "learn-by-doing" approach to instruction.

Housed within the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM), the SOE closely links education, math, and science faculty with school educators on curriculum, instruction, and supervision; applied scholarship; and service to teachers, schools, and the profession. In addition to housing the SOE, the CSM also houses the Center for Engineering, Science and Mathematics Education (CESaME) and the department of Liberal Studies, which provides subject matter preparation to undergraduates who aspire to teach in the elementary grades. Within the Single Subjects Teacher Education program, the SOE also maintains close partnerships with the College of Liberal Arts (CLA; History and English departments) and the College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences (CAFES; Agriculture Education department).

The SOE vision reflects a universitywide commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Our mission extends the University’s principles of inquiry, collaboration, equity, and pluralism into the expectations for practice and the preparation of education professionals. The SOE recently adopted new Schoolwide Learning Themes that provide a platform for continuous improvement and a common lens for anchoring dialogue, professional development, and inquiry and assessment projects across the SOE.

Overview of the Single Subject Program (SSTEP)

Cal Poly’s Single Subject Teacher Education Preparation (SSTEP) program is offered as a one-year (three-quarter) post-baccalaureate credential program through the School of Education. Candidates in SSTEP come from a variety of academic backgrounds and span collaboration across multiple Cal Poly colleges: Mathematics and Science (Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences, Physics) in the College of Science and Mathematics; English, Social Science, and World Languages in the College of Liberal Arts; and Single Subject-Agriculture in the College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences. In each of these cases, candidates are enrolled in the SOE, which offers the program in collaboration with the content area department.

SSTEP candidates enroll in fall quarter and progress through the curriculum in a tight cohort model, with cross-disciplinary core courses and subject-matter specific methods and seminar courses. Students pursuing certification in Agriculture enroll in a different track of methods, seminar and Clinical Practice courses offered through the College of Agriculture in order to meet the needs of a concurrent Agriculture Specialist option.

The unifying theoretical approach of the SSTEP program reflects the Cal Poly learn-by-doing philosophy, the universitywide commitment to diversity and inclusion, and the SOE Clinical Practice Rubric, based on the Danielson framework (more deeply explored in Section 6 and 6.1 materials related to Clinical Practice).

Cal Poly’s Single Subject program provides California with dedicated teachers who are competent, caring, and creative. Graduates of the program are particularly well prepared to:  

  • Engage and support a wide range of students in learning
  • Create learning environments that are inclusive, culturally responsive, healthy, and safe
  • Organize subject matter and learning sequences to engage students in creativity, inquiry, and problem solving
  • Use, collect, and analyze student assessment data from multiple measures to plan and strengthen teaching and learning
  • Use technology to achieve educational goals for students
  • Be reflective practitioners, recognize personal biases, identify areas for growth, and contribute to the field of education. 

1.1.1 Table of Models and Pathways

Credential Program delivery model location

current enrollment

(Fall 2018)



SSTEP - Preliminary Single Subject Teaching Credential Traditional Main Campus 48 62

3. Faculty Qualifications

3.1 Distribution Table

Full-Time Instructional Faculty in SOE 2  
Part-Time Instructional Faculty 3
Adjunct/Clinical Practice Supervisors 9
Faculty in Other Departments 11
Instructional vacancies/anticipated hiring 0
total 25

3.2 Annotated Faculty List with Links to Vitae & Syllabi

Stauch, Nancy
Program Coordinator, Liberal Studies Department Faculty (FT)

Ahearn, Cathy
SOE Lecturer (PT)

Bush, Seth
Chemistry Education Advisor and Chemistry Department Faculty (FT)

Champney, Danielle
Math Department Faculty (FT)

DeLay, Ann
Agricultural Education Faculty (FT)

    Gorter, Erin
    Agricultural Education Faculty (PT)

      Guise, Megan
      English Education Advisor and SOE Associate Professor (FT)

      Himelblau, Ed
      Biology Education Advisor and Biology Department Faculty (FT)

      Hoellwarth, Chance
      Physics Education Advisor and Physics Department Faculty (FT)

      Marijuan, Silvia
      World Languages Education Advisor and World Languages Department Faculty (FT)

      Navarro, Oscar
      SOE Assistant Professor (FT)

      Orth, Joel
      Social Science Education Advisor and History Department Faculty (FT)

      Schinck, Amelie
      Math Education Advisor and Math Department Faculty (FT)

      Swan, Ben
      Agriculture Education Program Coordinator and Agricultural Education Faculty (PT)

        Tomasini, Alice
        SOE Lecturer (PT)

        Wood, Louisa
        SOE Lecturer (PT)

        Additional Adjunct/Clinical Practice Supervisors 
        EDUC 460, 469, 479 - Clinical Practice I, II, and III

        Babcoock, Tory 
        Bishop, Rebecca
        Bridgeford, Kristin
        Buckmoyer, David 
        Dorman, Richard
        Hansen, Linda 
        Kelso, Cherice
        Lewis, Scott
        Lombard, Amanda
        Mann, David
        Peters, Gary

        Additional Adjunct/Clinical Practice Supervisors for AgEd Track
        (Ag Ed 440 and 513)

        DeLay, Ann
        Freeman, Sherri
        Flores, Robert 
        Gorter, Erin
        Clark, Gerald
        Kellogg, Bill
        Swan, Ben

        3.3 Published Experience & Qualification Requirements

        3.4 Faculty Recruitment Documents

        4. Course Sequence

        4.1 Published Course Sequence from Catalog

        5. Course Matrix & Syllabi

        5.1 Course Matrix with I, P, A Indicated 

        • NOTE: In developing hyperlinks to direct evidence within the syllabi, we have observed that links only function properly when viewed in a Google Chrome browser. If using Safari or Firefox, the links will navigate to the first page of the syllabi rather than the targeted evidence. We have annotated all the targeted evidence with comments in order to ease your efforts to search and browse within the syllabi.
        • Early Start Coursework and Fieldwork may be required
        Quarter 1
        Quarter 2
        Quarter 3
        AGED TRACK

        Because candidates complete Single Subject Agriculture Certification concurrently with Ag Specialist Certification, Clinical Practice coursework varies from the general Single Subject Certificate Track




        6. Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Documents

        6.1 Clinical Practice Narrative and Table 

        Clinical Practice Narrative & Theoretical Approach
        Clinical Practice experiences in the Cal Poly School of Education are deeply grounded in Learn by Doing; future educators work alongside experts in the field to hone their craft through a gradual release of responsibility. This Learn by Doing approach embeds Cal Poly’s innovative polytechnic approach to higher education with best practices and theories in education by building a Community of Practice that emphasizes continuous improvement and a culture of shared learning.

        In order to build a successful Learn by Doing Clinical Practice program, great care and thought goes into articulating all facets of the clinical experience, including: roles, coaching, language, and the supports that are leveraged at each phase of field experience. By intentionally articulating shared principles and values throughout Clinical Practice, the SOE builds meaningful connections between the Cal Poly campus and the field.

        In the SOE, Clinical Practice roles and responsibilities are expressed through The Triad, a designed collaboration between the Teacher Candidate, Cooperating Teacher, and Clinical Practice University Supervisor. Each member of the Triad participates in learning experiences that help to create a Community of Practice based on shared language, best practices, and theories. This ensures that the strategies, coaching, and evaluation that Teacher Candidates experience in the field are consistent with the theories and language promoted in SOE coursework.

        The Cal Poly School of Education further advances a shared vision of effective teaching and learning through the SOE Observation Tool, which articulates 17 Prioritized Skills at the center of effective teaching practice. While future educators study the theories and best practices behind these Prioritized Skills in their coursework, the SOE offers workshops and professional development resources for Cooperating Teachers, school site administrators, and our surrounding community in order to norm our collective understanding of the SOE Observation tool, and to encourage common language. By developing shared expectations and norms grounded in the Observation Tool, we tighten the relationship between the School of Education and fieldwork sites, creating a more coherent experience for our Teacher Candidates. Fostering this shared vision of teaching and learning also serves to demystify effective teaching practice and reveals a transparent development path for Teacher Candidates as they uncover and honor their own craft as future master teachers.

        The final linchpin in Cal Poly’s approach to Clinical Practice is building a community and experience that encourages continuous growth and improvement, along with the risk-taking that is inherent in that process. The Learn by Doing approach requires future educators, and the experts with whom they work alongside, to be open to new ideas, implement innovative strategies, assess, and reflect on resulting successes and inevitable failures. Developing these practices requires vulnerability, willingness to change, and the ability to own missteps. By encouraging these habits, however, the SOE ensures that future educators will be prepared for advanced studies in education, action research, and a commitment to continuous growth that will improve their practice and the outcomes of their students throughout their careers.

        In the Cal Poly SOE, a key component of effective clinical practice is understanding that a teacher candidate and a cooperating teacher are engaged in co-teaching. That is, they are both working to further the growth, development, and learning of a classroom of children. The SOE encourages close communication to determine how each teacher will contribute to the running of the classroom and the conduct of instruction. In a well-developed co-teaching relationship, the Teacher Candidate and Cooperating Teacher work together daily in lesson planning, conducting instruction, and evaluating student learning from assessments. The SOE defines a variety of specific instructional strategies to assist Cooperating Teachers and their Teacher Candidates in identifying ways they can choose to work together during classroom instruction, including: One Teach, One Observe; One Teach, One Assist; and Station Teaching. 

        6.2 Signed MOU & Placement Profiles 

        Robust evidence for the School of Education's Clinical Practice program is located with materials for Common Standard 3 - Clinical Practice, including:

        6.3 Supervisor/Cooperating Teacher Expectations and Training Materials

        Cooperating Teachers (or District Employed Supervisors) mentor candidates at school sites. Field Supervisors are unpaid and are not employees of Cal Poly. 

        University Supervisors (or Program Supervisors) are employed Cal Poly part-time lecturers who observe, evaluate, and coach teacher candidates and facilitate the relationship between candidates and Field Supervisors. University Supervisors are systematically hired, retained and evaluated as part of Cal Poly personnel procedures.

        6.4 Documentation of Candidate Placements 

        6.5 Clinical Practice Handbook/Manual 

        6.6 Fieldwork/Clinical Practice Syllabi

        CP I

        160 hours of Co-Teaching/Student Teaching
        (8 hrs x 2 days x 10 wks)

        CP II

        240 hours of Co-Teaching/Student Teaching
        (8 hrs x 3 days x 10 wks)

        CP III 400 hours of Co-Teaching/Student Teaching
        (8 hrs x 5 days x 10 wks)

        6.7 Clinical Practice Assessment Instruments 

        Teacher Education Clinical Practice Links
        Observation Protocol Download PDF File
        Observation Rubric Download PDF File
        Observation Evaluation Form Download PDF File Word File

        Disposition Evaluation Form

        Download PDF File Word File

        Induction Transition Plan

        Download PDF File Word File

        7. Credential Recommendation and Evaluations

        7.1 Description of process insuring appropriate recommendation

        Evaluation of credential candidates and submission of credential recommendations are provided solely by Cal Poly SOE Credential Office, with final authority and oversight for recommendations entrusted to the Credential Analysts (under supervision of the SOE Director) who will always be current employees of the Cal Poly SOE.

        Evaluation of Single Subject candidates begins during the initial admissions process (Admissions and Evaluations Flow Chart). Candidate qualifications are reviewed by the Program Advisor or delegate (SSTEP Program Advisor Review). The Program Advisor makes a recommendation to the Credential Office whether a candidate should be admitted, conditionally admitted, or declined. The SOE Credential Office then conducts an initial SSTEP Credential Office Evaluation for all candidates, which includes formal checks for GPA, basic skills, subject matter, accredited degree, prerequisite credentials, etc. Candidates may submit required supplemental materials via a SSTEP I Application. The Credential Office issues a final determination and admissions letter with information on outstanding requirements or conditions for admissions.

        For the SSTEP program, Credential Office Evaluations are entered and continuously monitored in the SID student management system. Credential Office Evaluations are thoroughly updated and re-checked prior to student teaching.

        Upon successful completion of the program, candidates are eligible to apply for a recommendation for a preliminary credential. Once candidates apply for a recommendation, SOE Credential Analysts perform a final SSTEP Credential Office Evaluation in the SID student management system, including:

        • Basic skills
        • Possession of a baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited institution
        • Subject matter requirement
        • Early Field Experience and Completion of Required Clinical Practice Hours
        • U.S. Constitution, speaking and writing English, etc., as required
        • Certificate of Clearance
        • Health clearance (TB/Rubella)
        • Successful passage of the Teaching Performance Assessment (edTPA Teaching Event)
        • Completion of program coursework with 3.0+ GPA
        • Applicable Co-Requisites, as required (may include Google Level 1 certification, Mandated Reporter training, Health education, CPR training, etc.)

        7.2 Candidate Progress Monitoring Documents 

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        School of Education
        California Polytechnic State University
        San Luis Obispo, CA 93407