Becoming a teacher

Multiple Subject SB488 Certification


1. General Information

1.1 Institution Name

California Polytechnic State University

1.2 Dean or Director of Teacher Education

Chance Hoellwarth, Ph.D., Director | 805-756-1503

1.3. Primary Literacy Contact

Ann Glazer, M.A., Assessment and Accreditation Analyst | 805-756-1503

1.4 Credential Program Addressed

Preliminary Multiple Subject Program

1.5 Pathways to the Credential

Preliminary Multiple Subject Program: Student teaching traditional

1.6 Affirmation by the Director of the School of Education

Signed Affirmation Statement

2. Overview of Courses for Literacy Instruction and Process for Program Revisions

Cal Poly’s Multiple Subject program is offered through the School of Education (SOE). All Multiple Subject preliminary credential candidates complete the program as post-baccalaureates who are enrolled in the SOE.

Candidates in the Multiple Subject Credential Program come mainly from a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies major that is housed in the Cal Poly Bailey College of Science and Mathematics. The balance of Multiple Subject candidates enter the program as post-baccalaureates after completing other undergraduate degrees.


table of all required courses for each pathway where literacy instruction is the focus

Multiple Subject Student Teaching Traditional Program
List of all required courses where the primary focus is literacy instruction List of any other courses where literacy standard 7 and TPE 7 are covered

EDUC 427: Theories, Methods, and Assessment of First and Second Language Acquisition in Schools

EDUC 431: Learning to Teach 4-8 Social Studies with Diverse Populations
EDUC 428: Learning to Teach PK-3 Literacy  with Diverse Populations EDUC 436: Learning to Teach K-8 Science with Diverse Populations
EDUC 429: Learning to Teach K-8 Literacy in Schools with Diverse Populations EDUC 440: Educating Individuals with Exceptional Needs
  EDUC 455 & 457: Multiple Subject Clinical Practice Seminars



briefly describe the process used to review the program to ensure alignment with the new literacy instruction standard and teaching performance expectation. Note who was involved in this effort.

The new standard and teaching performance expectation were formally introduced at an Educator Preparation (EdPrep) Committee meeting in October 2023. The EdPrep Committee is comprised of all the faculty and staff associated with the preliminary teaching credential programs, along with the faculty and staff associated with the M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction program. At that EdPrep meeting, one member from each of the preliminary credential programs (multiple subject, single subject, and special education) agreed to serve as literacy leads for their programs and, along with the Clinical Practice Coordinator, formed a literacy committee, co-chaired by School of Education faculty member and CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading and Writing (CAR/W) Co-Director, Tanya Flushman, Ph.D., and the Assessment & Accreditation Analyst.

In November 2023, the committee began reviewing the new literacy instruction standard and teaching performance expectation. With the guidance of Dr. Flushman, and using tools developed by the CAR/W team and adapted for local use, each program engaged in an audit of their program’s curriculum and alignment with both the new standard and the new TPE.




Describe how the program has ensured that faculty teaching the literacy instruction courses understand the requirements in SB488, the new standard and TPE, and the evidence base supporting them.

The faculty comprising the literacy committee are the faculty who have sole and/or primary responsibility for literacy instruction in each of the preliminary teaching credential programs; therefore, established disciplinary expertise supported understanding the requirements in SB488, the new standard and TPE, and the evidence supporting them. Specifically, through deep engagement with the primary source materials of the new standard and TPE, the faculty teaching literacy instruction courses were able to understand the new requirements. The literacy committee members shared these resources, along with CAR/W- and locally-developed resources with the other literacy faculty in their programs.


Describe how the institution/program has provided opportunities for faculty teaching these courses to engage in professional learning to ensure that they are prepared to teach new content as required by SB488, the standards, and the performance expectations. If none has been provided to date, provide information about the implementation plan for specific professional development and learning that will take place.

The literacy committee was comprised of the faculty who have sole and/or primary responsibility for literacy instruction in each of the preliminary teaching credential programs; thus, while disciplinary expertise ensured preparation to teach the new content required by SB488, the time spent with the committee and with the relevant PSAs enabled comprehensive understanding of the specific requirements in SB488, as well as the new standard and TPE. 

Additionally, literacy committee members and faculty from each program attended selected sessions from a series of targeted professional learning opportunities that focused on the learning modules created by the UC/CSU Collaborative for Neuroscience, Diversity and Learning. Sessions highlighted how to incorporate the CA Dyslexia Guidelines into credential coursework. Attendance at these sessions complemented the efforts completed while enacting the CTC dyslexia grant obtained by the School of Education. The combination of these professional development opportunities resulted in faculty making deliberate efforts to integrate the UC/CSU Collaborative dyslexia learning modules into coursework. 


What steps has the program taken or will take in the coming months to communicate to mentor/cooperating teachers and other PK-12 partners the new requirements of SB488, the new literacy instruction program standard, TPE, and upcoming performance assessment requirement?

The SOE took a two-pronged approach to communicating with mentor/cooperating teachers and other PK-12 partners: To communicate the new requirements to district partners, Cal Poly issued an addendum to the current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). To communicate the new requirements to Cal Poly’s mentor/cooperating teachers, the SOE leveraged the existing newsletter to cooperating teachers and included a notice there.



In what ways did the program’s process for reviewing its coursework and clinical practice requirements against the new standards and TPEs include individuals with expertise in literacy instruction for multilingual/English learner students?

The program engaged in a highly collaborative approach to reviewing its coursework and clinical practice requirements. While the literacy committee itself is comprised of faculty with expertise in literacy instruction for multilingual/English learner students (Julee Bauer, M.A., Tanya Flushman, Ph.D., Olivia Obeso, Ph.D.), additional key faculty with this expertise (Briana Ronan, Ph.D., Katie Paulding, Ph.D.) were included as both reviewers of and contributors to the matrices (Table 3.1, 4.1, 5.1).  


Provide links to syllabi that demonstrate that the English Language Arts (ELA) and Literacy Standards, English Language Development (ELD) Standards, and English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework are required and central components for candidates in literacy instruction coursework. These links should be bookmarked to the exact place in the syllabi where this occurs.


3. Preparing Candidates to Understand and Teach Foundational Skills

3.1 Program/Coursework Coverage of TPE

Table 3.1 Course Coverage of Foundational Skills (TPE 7.5)

indicate in which courses:
1) the literacy concepts are introduced and are covered primarily
2) there are opportunities for candidates to practice the concepts
3) the candidates' knowledge of the pedagogical skills related to these concepts are assessed

for each cell below, indicate course number and title with direct link to actual places in the syllabi where these can be seen explicitly.

Multiple Subject Table 3.1 Program/Course Coverage of Teaching Performance Expectations: Foundational Skills

3.2 Coursework Coverage of Standard 7

Provide a narrative with links embedded to specific locations in course syllabi addressing Standard 7a describing how the program prepares candidates to teach foundational skills and the coverage of the above knowledge and skills (TPE 7.5), as specified in the excerpt from the Education Code.

The MSTEP program teaches foundational skills in a variety of courses, beginning with EDUC 428 (Learning to Teach PK-3 Literacy to Diverse Populations), where candidates read texts and participate in lectures about Emergent Literacy concepts such as phonological awareness, print awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonemes, syllable structures, morphemes of English and Spanish, decoding, word recognition, phonics instruction, and procedures for assessing early literacy progression. In this course, the candidates complete a foundational skills read aloud field task as well as a decodable texts field task to demonstrate knowledge of the instructional strategies that teach the various foundational skills for PK-3 students. Candidates also participate in selecting and evaluating decodable texts for differentiated instruction to help them prepare to teach foundational skills in clinical practice.

In addition, in EDUC 429 (Learning to Teach 4-8 Literacy to Diverse Populations), candidates read texts on fluency and independent reading, and they participate in interactive lectures that help them learn about foundational skill instruction in the upper grades. Reading, lecture, and activity topics include direct, explicit, systematic instruction, morphemic analysis, vocabulary instruction, spelling patterns, syllable patterns, semantics, syntax, close reading, disciplinary literacy, and assessment. As a part of this course, candidates practice these instructional skills by teaching a small-group differentiated fluency lesson in clinical practice, as well as by participating in activities that help a small group of students improve the reading of informational texts. These activities include simulated student interactions of fluency instruction as well as practice lessons with peer feedback and reflection opportunities. These simulated interactions and practice lessons prepare the students for a variety of foundational skills lessons that occur in clinical practice.

3.3 Clinical Practice: Ensuring Opportunities for Candidates to Practice Teaching Foundational Skills

Provide direct links to evidence demonstrating how the program provides opportunities for candidates to practice teaching students foundational reading skills. The standards require that candidates are provided opportunities to practice foundational reading skills that are appropriate for the children and/or students they are teaching in their clinical practice experience. This does not mean that candidates must practice or be observed teaching every individual foundational reading skill in their clinical practice setting (see PSA 24-08). 

  • 3.3a - Communication/Agreement with Districts regarding clinical practice – Direct link(s) to locations in sample MOU(s) with LEAs or other documentation provided to districts outlining opportunities that must be provided to candidates in clinical practice settings (appropriate setting, information about expectations made available to administrators and mentors at the school site, etc.). This documentation must include information for mentor/cooperating teachers about the expectations for candidates to take and pass a Commission approved literacy performance assessment that includes a focus on foundational literacy skills and the additional cross cutting themes in literacy.

  • 3.3b - Candidate Information – Direct link(s) to location(s) in candidate handbooks or materials explaining the new standard, TPE, and performance assessment requirements demonstrating that candidates have been provided accurate and timely information about what is required during clinical practice related to foundational skills.

  • 3.3c - Candidate Clinical Practice Opportunities – Direct link(s) to locations in any clinical practice observation tools/assessments, if available, that document where candidates are practicing teaching these foundational reading skills to students and are being provided formative feedback to guide improvement.



4. Program Inclusion of Literature, Language, and Comprehension

4.1 Program/Coursework Coverage of TPE

Table 4.1 Course Coverage of Literature, Language, and Comprehension, along with a balance of oral and written language (TPE sub-elements 7.6, 7.7, and 7.8)

indicate in which courses:
1) the literacy concepts are introduced and are covered primarily
2) there are opportunities for candidates to practice the concepts
3) the candidates' knowledge of the pedagogical skills related to these concepts are assessed

for each cell below, indicate course number and title with direct link to actual places in the syllabi where these can be seen explicitly.

4.2 Clinical Practice: Ensuring Opportunities for Candidates to Practice a Strong Literature, Language, and Comprehension Component with a Balance of Oral and Written Language

Provide links to evidence demonstrating how the program ensures that candidates are in clinical practice settings that allow them opportunities to practice TPEs related to oral and written language, as applicable to the credential program.

5. Ensuring Candidates Are Prepared in Diagnostic and Early Intervention Techniques

5.1 Program/Coursework Coverage of TPE

Table 5.1, which includes specific TPE sub-elements related to ongoing diagnostic techniques that inform teaching and assessment as well as early intervention techniques

indicate in which courses:
1) the literacy concepts are introduced and are covered primarily
2) there are opportunities for candidates to practice the concepts
3) the candidates' knowledge of the pedagogical skills related to these concepts are assessed

for each cell below, indicate course number and title with direct link to actual places in the syllabi where these concepts/competencies can be seen explicitly.

5.2 Clinical Practice: Opportunities for Candidates to Learn about Diagnostic Techniques that Inform Teaching and Assessment and Early Intervention Techniques

  • 5.2a - Direct link to location(s) in sample MOU(s) or other documentation provided to LEAs that include explicit reference to efforts that will be made to provide candidates with opportunities, as practicable, during their clinical practice to learn about, and where possible, observe, how schools/teachers are using screening and diagnostic techniques to inform teaching and assessment and early intervention techniques, as appropriate to the credential and as identified in the TPEs and standard.

  • 5.2b - Links to specific location(s) in candidate handbooks or materials that describe for candidates what is expected of them with respect to learning about diagnostic techniques as well as early intervention techniques.

  • 5.2c - Links to specific evidence showing how candidates are provided opportunities to learn about and, where possible, observe how schools/teachers are using screening and diagnostic techniques to inform teaching and assessment and early intervention techniques, as appropriate to the credential and as identified in the TPE and standard.


5.3 Incorporation of California Dyslexia Guidelines

  • 5.3a -  Coursework – Explain how the California Dyslexia Guidelines are incorporated into the program for all candidates. (300 words or less).

    In EDUC 429 (Learning to Teach 4-8 Literacy to Diverse Populations) the candidates plan and implement evidence-based literacy instruction (and integrated content and literacy instruction) using the California Dyslexia Guidelines. Candidates read the California Dyslexia Guidelines and participate in lectures that cover topics such as supporting students with dyslexia, socio-emotional factors of dyslexia, evidence-based instructional strategies, structured literacy, making accommodations, and progress monitoring. As an in-class assignment, candidates create online assessments that are aimed at testing their peer’s knowledge about the content contained in the Guidelines.

    In EDUC 428 (Learning to Teach PK-3 Literacy to Diverse Populations) candidates learn how to use screening to determine students’ literacy profiles and identify potential reading and writing difficulties, including students’ risk for dyslexia and other literacy-related disabilities.

    In EDUC 440 (Educating Individuals with Exceptional Needs) candidates focus on ways dyslexia and other literacy-related disabilities may intersect with students' IEPs and/or 504 plans, ways assistive technology may be used by students with dyslexia and other literacy-related disabilities, and information that parents/guardians may need to help support their students with dyslexia and other literacy-related disabilities.

  • 5.3b - Coursework – Provide direct link(s) to specific location(s) in course syllabi where the content of the California Dyslexia Guidelines is clearly identified.

  • 5.3c - Clinical Practice - Explain how the program provides, to the extent practicable, opportunities for candidates in clinical practice settings to observe and practice the concepts and strategies included in the California Dyslexia Guidelines. Given that not every candidate will have a child with dyslexia in their clinical practice setting, describe steps taken to provide other opportunities for these candidates to practice strategies identified in the California Dyslexia Guidelines. 

    During the program, candidates participate in a small group analysis of dyslexia case study scenarios and subsequently create an action plan to address students’ needs. Also, as an in-class assignment, candidates create online assessments that are aimed at testing their peer’s knowledge about instruction for students with dyslexia. This assessment, along with the small group case study scenario activity and action plan, the online module for screening and assessment for dyslexia, and the mock parent/teacher conferences will ensure that all candidates have opportunities to practice strategies in the California Dyslexia Guidelines.
  • 5.3d - Communication/Agreement with Districts – Direct link(s) to sample MOU(s) or other documentation describing expectations for clinical practice settings related to providing, to the extent practicable, opportunities for candidates in clinical practice settings to observe and practice the concepts and strategies included in the California Dyslexia Guidelines.

  • 5.3e - Candidate Information – Direct link(s) to location(s) in candidate handbooks or other candidate material that explains the program expectations around the California Dyslexia Guidelines.

  • 5.3f - Provide direct links to specific evidence showing how candidates are provided opportunities to learn about and, where possible, observe how schools/teachers use the skills described in California Dyslexia Guidelines.

    Please see 5.3c above.

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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407