7.5/U7.5 Foundational Skills. Develop students’ skills in the following:
Introduce and Primary Coverage of Concepts
Opportunities to Practice
How Assessed
a. print concepts, including letters of the alphabet
EDUC 428 Learning to Teach PK-3 Literacy to Diverse Populations
1. Week 4 Lecture PPT: Phonological Awareness and Early Literacy
2. Readings:
• Dewitz et al. (2020) Chapter 7, Emergent Literacy covers print awareness, alphabet knowledge, and procedures for assessing early literacy progression
• Honig et al. (2018) Section II: Early Literacy introduces print awareness and letter knowledge, and offers strategies for instruction
In-class Activities:
1. Literacy demands in multicultural books – slide 28
2. Foundational skills read aloud field task
1. Foundational skills read aloud field task
2. Midterm Exam
b. phonological awareness, including phonemic awareness
• Dewitz et al. (2020) Chapter 7, Emergent Literacy covers phonemic awareness
• Honig et al. (2018) Section I: Word Structure introduces phonemes, syllable structures, and morphemes of English and Spanish
• Honig et al. (2018) Section II: Early Literacy offers strategies for instruction to build phonological awareness
c. phonics, spelling, and word recognition, including letter-sound, spelling-sound, and sound-symbol correspondences
1. Week 5 Lecture PPT: Phonics & Decoding
• Dewitz et al. (2020) Chapter 8, Word Recognition covers the alphabetic principle, the relationship between oral and written English, word recognition
• Honig et al. (2018) Section III: Decoding and Word Recognition focuses on effective phonics instruction
1. Selecting and evaluating decodable texts – slide 11
2. Using decodable texts field task
1. Using decodable texts field task
d. decoding and encoding, including morphological awareness
• Dewitz et al. (2020) Chapter 8, Word Recognition discusses word study related to decoding, encoding, and morphological awareness
• Honig et al. (2018) Section III: Decoding and Word Recognition offers strategies for supporting students encoding and decoding
e. text reading fluency, including accuracy, prosody (expression), and rate (as an indicator of automaticity)
EDUC 429 Learning to Teach 4-8 Literacy to Diverse Populations
1. Week 5 Lecture PPT: Foundational Skills & Fluency for Upper Grades covers:
· Direct, Explicit, Systematic Instruction
· Morphemic Analysis
· Vocabulary Instruction
· Spelling
· Instructional Approaches
· Automaticity
· Assessment
· Tech-Assisted Devices
· CA Common Core ELA Standards
· Teaching Reading for the 21st Century, 6th Edition (Dewitz, et.al, 2020), Ch. 9 Fluency and Independent Reading
1. Prosody Simulated Student Interaction Fluency PPT – slide 10
2. Peer Run-Through Small Group Lesson In-Class Activity
· Peer Run-Through Small Group Lesson Peer Feedback Sheet
1. Observations of SSI: Fluency Simulated Student Interaction Feedback Checklist
2. Small Group Lesson Plan:
· Small Group Lesson Outline
· Small Group Lesson Rubric
· MS_Lesson Plan Template
f. instruction that is structured and organized as well as direct, systematic, and explicit
2. Week 5 Lecture PPT: Phonics & Decoding
3. Readings:
• Dewitz et al. (2020) Chapter 7, Emergent Literacy discusses the relationship between instruction and assessment in support that process
• Dewitz et al. (2020) Chapter 8, Word Recognition connects stages of reading to appropriate instructional strategies
3. Selecting and evaluating decodable texts – slide 11
4. Using decodable texts field task
3. Final: Literacy Mini Unit
g. connected, decodable text
2. Final: Literacy Mini Unit
h. Provide instruction in text reading fluency that emphasizes spelling and syllable patterns, semantics, morphology, and syntax.
1. Week 5 Lecture PPT: Foundational Skills & Fluency for Upper Grades
2. Cracking the Code & Spelling PPT covers:
· Explicit, Systematic Instruction
· Spelling-Orthographic Patterns
· Teaching Reading for the 21st Century, 6th Edition (Dewitz, et.al, 2020) Ch. 9 Fluency and Independent Reading
1. Prosody Simulated Student Interaction Fluency PPT– slide 10
2. Vocabulary Strategy Activity Centers Vocabulary Instruction PPT – slide 12
3. Peer Run-Through Small Group Lesson In-Class Activity
1. Observations of SSI:
Fluency Simulated Student Interaction Feedback Checklist
i. Advance students’ progress in the elements of foundational skills, language, and cognitive skills that support them as they read and write increasingly complex disciplinary texts with comprehension and effective expression.
1. Week 9 Lecture PPT: Comprehending Informational Texts PPT covers:
· Content Knowledge
· Disciplinary Literacy
· Student Research
· Motivation
· Close Reading
· Textual Evidence
· Small Group Instruction
· Annotating
· Text-Dependent Questions
· Does Disciplinary Literacy Have a Place in Elementary School? (Shanahan, 2014)
· Disciplinary Literacy: A Shift That Makes Sense, ACSD (Lent, 2017)
· Strategies for Teaching Complex Texts (Simmons, 2017)
· Helping Students Tackle Complex Texts with Close Reading | National Geographic Learning: In Focus National Geographic (Tuan, 2021)
1. Comparing Complexity – slide 14
2. Spotting Text Features and Structures – slide 24
EDUC 436 Learning to Teach K-8 Science with Diverse Populations
3. Argumentation from evidence in science (lecture slides w/activity)
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School of Education California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 805.756.2126 soe@calpoly.edu