Develop students’ skills in the following:
Introduce and Primary Coverage of Concepts
Opportunities to Practice
How Assessed
7.6/U7.6 Meaning Making. Engage students in meaning making by building on prior knowledge and using complex literary and informational texts (print, digital, and oral), questioning, and discussion to develop students’ literal and inferential comprehension, including the higher-order cognitive skills of reasoning, perspective taking, and critical reading, writing, listening, and speaking across the disciplines.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 8: Before class, teacher candidate read Ch. 10 Metacognition to Improve Reading Comprehension from O’Connor & Vadasy. Examples of topics in Ch. 10 include:
Linking to prior knowledge
Previewing text
Monitoring comprehension and checking for understanding
Thinking aloud
Signal words
Question-answer relationships
Reciprocal questioning
Collaborative strategic reading
2. WK 9: Before class, teacher candidates read Ch. 11 Teaching Narrative and Expository Text Structure to Improve Comprehension from O’Connor and Vadasy. Topics include text structure (narrative or expository) and strategy instruction, including the authors Theme Identification and Close Analysis of Texts with Structures (CATS) programs. During class, teacher candidates learn about comprehension support for adolescent readers including a reciprocal teaching strategy.
SPED 547: STEM Instruction in SPED
3. WK 4: Before class students read two journal articles about literacy and STEM (1) Promoting Literacy-Embedded, Authentic STEM Instruction for Students with Disabilities and Other Struggling Learners by Israel, Maynard, & Williamson (2013) and (2) Promising Practices for Supporting Students with Disabilities through Writing in Science by Collins & Fulton (2017).
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 8: Teacher candidates learn the specific components of collaborative strategic reading and practice this strategy in class using an excerpt of Beowulf. They each are responsible for a role in the strategy, and they work through the process in small groups, as if they were students. They are also given time in class for self-study using the Iris Module on CSR.
2. WK 9: Teacher candidates complete a self-assessment to reflect on the quality of their vocabulary instruction to support comprehension. After self-assessing independently, candidates work in pairs to generate ideas for improvement
SPED 547: STEM Instruction in SPED
3. WK 4: Before class, after reading the two articles, students create a video response to this prompt.
1. EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
Reading Portfolio: Lesson 3
Literacy Presentations from Yopp & Yopp. Students select a before, during, or after reading activity that supports vocabulary, language, or cognitive skills to improve reading or listening comprehension. Students present the activity and then model the activity by teaching the whole class using any materials needed for full participation. Students are assessed by the instructor and the whole group reflects on the experience.
2. SPED 547: STEM Instruction in SPED
WK 4: The Literacy-based program evaluation assignment requires students to review a general education science curriculum and evaluate the components using a checklist of explicit instruction and literacy supports. After identifying areas in which teacher candidates can improve the curriculum by embedding literacy, they select strategies from a provided list and write an outline for a three-lesson STEM unit in which literacy supports have been embedded. Here is the document they use to complete the assignment. Screenshot from the assignment description in Canvas.
Link to an overview.
Engage students in reading, listening, speaking, writing, and viewing closely to draw evidence from texts, ask and answer questions, and support analysis, reflection, and research.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 8: Before class, teacher candidate read Ch. 9 Main Idea and Summarization Instruction; additionally, the watch three targeted video lectures on meaning making. The first is on the six elements of comprehension, the second is on text types, and the third is on question types.
SPED 547: STEM Instruction in SPED
2. WK 4: Before class students read two journal articles about literacy and STEM (1) Promoting Literacy-Embedded, Authentic STEM Instruction for Students with Disabilities and Other Struggling Learners by Israel, Maynard, & Williamson (2013) and (2) Promising Practices for Supporting Students with Disabilities through Writing in Science by Collins & Fulton (2017).
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 8: As an in-class warm up, students work in stations with small groups to view the content in this presentation on systematic and explicit instruction for teaching reading to students with disabilities. Several activities are embedded, including: writing a task analysis for teaching main idea, summarization, or sequencing; teach the meaning of WH words using constant time delay procedures; use model-lead-test procedures with examples and non-examples to teach the concept of story elements (e.g., character, setting); find a passage of text and write one literal question that is student-friendly. Practice teaching how to answer that question using a system of least prompts.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. Reading Portfolio: Lesson 3
2. Literacy Presentations from Yopp & Yopp. Students select a before, during, or after reading activity that supports vocabulary, language, or cognitive skills to improve reading or listening comprehension. Students present the activity and then model the activity by teaching the whole class using any materials needed for full participation. Students are assessed by the instructor and the whole group reflects on the experience.
SPED 547: STEM Instruction in SPED
3. WK 4: The Literacy-based program evaluation assignment requires students to review a general education science curriculum and evaluate the components using a checklist of explicit instruction and literacy supports. After identifying areas in which teacher candidates can improve the curriculum by embedding literacy, they select strategies from a provided list and write an outline for a three-lesson STEM unit in which literacy supports have been embedded. Here is the document they use to complete the assignment. Note the components of Strategy 2, which include before, during, and after reading strategies for expository texts.
7.7/U7.7 Language Development. Promote students’ oral and written language development by attending to vocabulary knowledge and use, grammatical structures (e.g., syntax), and discourse-level understandings as students read, listen, speak, and write with comprehension and effective expression.
EDUC 470: Barriers and Accessibility in SPED
1. WK 1: The topic of this week is “Language and Communication.” Students first engage in a comprehensive 11-part module prior to coming to class. Content includes short lecture videos, readings, and online resources related to the topics:
Definition of communication
Definition of language
Definition of speech’
Typical speech and language development
Communication disorders defined
Prevalence and causes
Identification and assessment
Educational approaches
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Placement options
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
2. WK 7: Before class, students watch two videos on vocabulary instruction. The first includes information about expressive and receptive language, types of words to teach included the tiers, the importance of wide reading, instructional formats for teaching the meaning of words and concepts (e.g., synonyms, definitions, example and non-example training), and contextual analysis. The second video is by Dr. Michael Kennedy and includes an example of a teacher teaching a read aloud that supports students' language, vocabulary, and cognition.
EDUC 470: Barriers and Accessibility in SPED
1. WK 1: Prior to class, students reflect on the out-of-class learning and add “ah ha’s” and “Qs” to a Padlet for each of the five class objectives. After a whole group discussion about the objectives, students work in small groups for a jigsaw activity about their responses to these discussion questions.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
2. WK 7: In class, students begin with a warm-up activity about teaching students conceptual understanding of academic vocabulary using example/non-example training with model, lead, test procedures. See additional materials on slides 2 and 3 of the lecture slides.
EDUC 470: Barriers and Accessibility in SPED
1. students work with a partner on a Group Case Study assignment.
After watching the video about the case study student, teacher candidates review evidence-based information about supporting students with a stutter, brainstorm barriers that exist in traditional classroom environments, write a script that illustrates how a teacher could use evidence-based strategies to support a student with this communication disorder, take turns practicing being the teacher in this scenario, and then write a reflection about the experience. Group projects are graded assignments with feedback.
Next, students write discussion papers on the discussion questions they worked on in a jigsaw format in class. This is a graded assignment.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
2. Reading Portfolio: Lesson 3
3. Literacy Presentations from Yopp & Yopp. Students select a before, during, or after reading activity that supports vocabulary, language, or cognitive skills to improve reading or listening comprehension. Students present the activity and then model the activity by teaching the whole class using any materials needed for full participation. Students are assessed by the instructor and the whole group reflects on the experience.
Create environments that foster students’ oral and written language development, including discipline-specific academic language.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 10: Before class teacher candidates read Ch. 14 from O’Connor and Vadasy, a chapter on the comprehension and production of written texts. This chapter contains an in-depth section on literary analysis (writing about texts in a variety of ways), writing to learn in social studies and science, historical understanding, making historical reasoning visible
SPED 547: STEM Instruction in SPED
2. WK 4: Before class students read two journal articles about literacy and STEM (1) Promoting Literacy-Embedded, Authentic STEM Instruction for Students with Disabilities and Other Struggling Learners by Israel, Maynard, & Williamson (2013) and (2) Promising Practices for Supporting Students with Disabilities through Writing in Science by Collins & Fulton (2017).
3. WK 5: Before class, students learn about Content Acquisitions Podcasts, a research-based tool teachers can create to support vocabulary comprehension and use across content areas. The read the journal article Helping Students Succeed Within Secondary-Level STEM Content by Kennedy & Wexler (2013) and read the production steps for developing CAPs.
SPED 547: STEM Instruction in SPED
1. WK 4: Before class, after reading the two articles, students create a video response to this prompt.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. Reading Portfolio: Lesson 3
SPED 547: STEM Instruction in SPED
2. WK 8: Students develop their own Content Acquisition Podcast (CAP) to support discipline-specific academic language (vocabulary comprehension) of core concepts in STEM. They use this task analysis to create the CAP.
Enhance language development by engaging students in the creation of diverse print, oral, digital, and multimedia texts.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 10: Before class students read Ch. 8 from the 3rd ed. Of Graham et al.’s Best Practices in Writing Instruction. Ch. 8 is Writing with Digital Tools and includes the following topics:
Characteristics of digital texts and EBPs in writing
Social Media Tools
Educational Apps that Support Writing
Content Apps
Presentation Apps
Professional Learning Networks
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 10: During class as a warm-up activity students work in small groups discussing tech-based tools from Ch. 8 that help create supportive writing environments (see slides 8 and 9).
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. Reading Portfolio: Lesson 3 (a component of this assignment is a writing component and the integration of tech-tools).
Conduct instruction that leverages students’ existing linguistic repertoires, including home languages and dialects, and that accepts and encourages translanguaging.
EDUC 427: Theories, Methods, and Assessment of First and Second Language Acquisition in Schools
1. WK 1 Seminar: What is Language? PPT (see Slides 5-17)
· Introduction to translanguaging, definitions and examples via Jigsaw Activity (see Slides 18-20)
2. WK 5 Seminar: Best Practices for Teaching Writing (see Slides 5-26)
· Activity: Explore Language Differences via Venn Diagram (see Slides 27-28)
· Observe Example of Translanguaging in Writing (see Slide 32)
· Assess Writing samples of Emergent Bilinguals via Purdue ELL Language Portraits Page (See Slides 33-35)
3. WK 7 Seminar: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy for Emergent Bilinguals (see Slides 5-10), strategies for fostering translanguaging
via Mind Map Activity (see Slides 11-12)
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
4. WK 9: Before class students read Ch. 15 Cultural Aspects of Teaching Reading in O’Connor and Vadasy. Topics include:
The influence of home language on learning to read
The influence of culture on literacy learning and outcomes
The influence of culturally meaningful reading materials and instructional approaches
EDUC 427: Theories, Methods, and Assessment of First and Second Language Acquisition in Schools
1. Translanguaging Jigsaw Activity:
· Read Naldic (2016) EAL Journal: Translanguaging
· Watch Ofelia García discusses Translanguaging
· Watch Example of Translanguaging
2. Writing Lesson Plans, providing peer reviews of Lesson Plans, teaching lessons to emergent bilinguals
3. Assessment of emergent bilinguals’ writing samples and discussing provided feedback on assessment via Purdue ELL Portraits
4. Mind Map Activity
· Watch City University of New York (CUNY): 03 Andy Brown Building a Multilingual Ecology with Support
EDUC 427: Theories, Methods, and Assessment of First and Second Language Acquisition in Schools
1. Writing Lesson Plans, Observations of Teaching Lesson Plans
7.8/U7.8 Effective Expression. Develop students’ effective expression as they write, discuss, present, and use language conventions. Engage students in a range of frequent formal and informal collaborative discussions, including extended conversations, and writing for varied purposes, audiences, and contexts.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 8: During class students learn about Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR), an evidence-based strategy that promotes reading comprehension through collaborative discussions and writing about what they read. In class teacher candidates review this CSR practice brief from the US Dept of Education and review an Iris Module on CSR.
WK 10: Before class readings include Ch. 18 of the Handbook of Inclusive Education. This chapter, Effective Writing Instruction in Inclusive Schools by Mason and Benedek-Wood (2018), includes a section on Instruction for Beginning Writers, with subsections that including extended constructed responses across genres and modes and revisions. Candidates also read Ch. 14 from O’Connor and Vadasy, a chapter on the comprehension and production of written texts. This chapter contains an in-depth section on literary analysis (writing about texts in a variety of ways). Finally, candidates watch Part I of a lecture on writing. Topics include a walk-through of the Iris Module on Written Expression, and a detailed discussion of four research-based practices for teaching writing:
Creating a writing environment that is positive and supportive
Teach writing strategies
Helping students acquire knowledge to write effectively
Teaching foundational writing skills
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 8: During class teacher candidates complete activities in the IRIS Module on CSR, including the activity on page 12 in which they identify which stage of CSR is implemented in each video example.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 10: As a warmup to class, teacher candidates practice the CSR method in small groups. Teacher candidates are assigned roles and complete the process, including discussions and writing in their logs, to make sense of the prelude to Beowulf. The course instructor observes and provides groups with immediate feedback as needed. Teacher candidates simulate the process using role cards and learning logs from the Iris Module.
2. Reading Portfolio: Lesson 3 (a requirement of this lesson is a writing component)
Teach students to plan, develop, provide feedback to peers, revise using peer and teacher feedback, edit, and produce their own writing and oral presentations in various genres, drawing on the modes of opinion/ argumentation, information, and narration.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 10: Before class readings include Ch. 18 of the Handbook of Inclusive Education. This chapter, Effective Writing Instruction in Inclusive Schools by Mason and Benedek-Wood (2018), includes a section on Instruction for Beginning Writers, with subsections that including extended constructed responses across genres and modes and revisions. Candidates also read Ch. 14 from O’Connor and Vadasy, a chapter on the comprehension and production of written texts. This chapter contains an in-depth section on literary analysis (writing about texts in a variety of ways). Finally, candidates watch Part I of a lecture on writing. Topics include a walk-through of the Iris Module on Written Expression, the Self-regulated Strategy Development model, and a detailed discussion of four research-based practices for teaching writing:
Creating a writing environment that is positive and supportive
Teaching writing strategies
Helping students acquire knowledge to write effectively
Teaching foundational writing skills
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
2. WK 10: During the lecture on writing in class candidates view and discuss video examples of a classroom teacher implementing the steps of the Self-Regulated Strategy Development model to teach the POW+TREE writing strategy (see slides 26-33 of the in-class lecture). After learning about the step in the lecture and watching the clip, students turn and talk to describe what they saw to each other. At the end of the clips, students use the activity embedded in the Iris Module on SRSD to apply their knowledge of the steps to SRSD.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
3. Reading Portfolio: Lesson 3 (a requirement of this lesson is a writing component)
Develop students’ use of keyboarding, technology, and multimedia, as appropriate, and fluency in spelling, handwriting, and other language conventions to support writing and presentations.
EDUC 470: Barriers and Accessibility in SPED
1. WK 5: The topic of this week’s module is “Technology for Accessibility.” Prior to class, students complete a module consisting of short lecture videos, articles, and web resources. This module’s topics include:
EDUC 470: Barriers and Accessibility in SPED
1. WK 5:
Teacher candidates work with partners on the Group Case Study assignment: This is one of the case studies all students use to develop an accessibility plan to promote learning: (B) Nate, a freshman in high school, has a language impairment. He generally enjoys school and works hard in all subject areas. Nate does well in most of his classes, but he is having difficulty in freshman English. He eagerly participates in class discussions and completes all of his required readings. Though Nate has thoughtful ideas for writing assignments, he focuses so much of his time on his spelling and grammar that he does not organize his thoughts and ideas into a coherent composition.
EDUC 470: Barriers and Accessibility in SPED
1. WK 5:
Teacher candidates work with partners on the Group Case Study assignment (see previous column)
2. Written response to this prompt.
Teach young children letter formation/printing and related language conventions, such as capitalization and punctuation, in conjunction with applicable decoding skills.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 10: Before class readings include Ch. 18 of the Handbook of Inclusive Education. This chapter, Effective Writing Instruction in Inclusive Schools by Mason and Benedek-Wood (2018), includes a section on Instruction for Beginning Writers, with subsections that including basic skill instruction and written expression. Finally, candidates watch Part I of a lecture on writing. Topics include a walk-through of the Iris Module on Written Expression, and a detailed discussion of four research-based practices for teaching writing:
Creating a writing environment that is positive and supportive
Teaching writing strategies
Helping students acquire knowledge to write effectively
Teaching foundational writing skills
Additionally, during class in Wk 10 students receive a lecture (see slides 36-39) about writing instruction that includes information about ensuring students receive instruction in writing skills, knowledge, and strategies. Topics include:
Teach handwriting, typing, and spelling
Teach sentence-construction skills
Teach students vocabulary that will improve their text
Teach Students about different types of texts
Provide students with good models of written text
Teach students strategies
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. WK 10: In class activity during the lecture. Candidates review this brief on sentence combining by In small groups, candidates draft an outline of a lesson for teaching this skill to students. They include a description of the activities and instructional strategies they could use and share out with the whole group. See slide 39 of the presentation.
EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED
1. Reading Portfolio Lesson 3 includes a writing conventions component