Becoming a teacher

SPED Table 3.1

7.5/U7.5 Foundational Skills. Develop students’ skills in the following: 


Introduce and Primary Coverage of Concepts 

Opportunities to Practice

How Assessed

a. print concepts, including letters of the alphabet 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED   

1. WK 3: Readings: O’Connor & Vadasy (2011) Ch. 2 Phoneme Awareness and the Alphabetic Principle covers the alphabetic principle; Ch. 3 Preschool Foundations for Reading and Writing Success covers alphabetic knowledge and print concepts; Ch. 3 from Carnine et al. Phonemic Awareness and Alphabetic Understanding  


2. WK 6: UFLI Team Activity Webinar 5: Teaching Decoding to Early Grades 

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED

1. UFLI Team Activity: Ongoing weekly practice using the materials from the University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI). In triads, students select a foundational reading activity and teach it to their teammates using virtual manipulatives and Zoom.  


2. WK 3: Warm-up component of in-class guided notes includes activities on graphemes and the alphabetic principle.  


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. Reading Portfolio Lesson 1 

b. phonological awareness, including phonemic awareness 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED  

1. WK 3: Readings: O’Connor & Vadasy (2011) Ch. 2 Phoneme Awareness and the Alphabetic Principle covers phonemic awareness and strategies for supporting English Language Learners; Ch. 3 Preschool Foundations for Reading and Writing Success covers phonological awareness; Ch. 6 from Carnine et al. Phonemic Awareness and Alphabetic Understanding; out-of-class video lecture on phonological and phonemic awareness  


2. WK 6: UFLI Team Activity Webinar 5: Teaching Decoding to Early Grades 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. Weekly: UFLI Team Activity  


2. WK 2: in-class workshop activities teaching phonemic awareness and letter-sound correspondence (see slide 45)


3. WK 3: group-work activity recalling important components of early readin, precedes embedded practice activities in the PA/PA video lecture (e.g., min 18:30 is practice for designing the sequence for teaching students to segment sounds in “in,” “chip,” and “nest.”) 


4. WK 3: Warm-up activity for in-class guided notes includes practice in phonological awareness, phonemic awareness (with demo videos), and blending and segmenting sounds (phonemic awareness)  


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. WK 4: In-class skills check with partner; peers teach each other and assess performance (see slides 4-9


2. Reading Portfolio Lesson 1 

c. phonics, spelling, and word recognition, including letter-sound, spelling-sound, and sound-symbol correspondences 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. WK 3: In-class lecture with guided notes on letter-sound correspondence 


2. WK 4: Readings – O'Connor et al. C. 4 Phases in Reading Words and Phonics Interventions; Carnine et al. Ch. 8 Sounding out Regular Words & Ch. 14 Phonics Analysis 


3. WK 6: UFLI Team Activity Webinar 5: Teaching Decoding to Early Grades 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. Weekly UFLI Team Activity   


2. WK 2: in-class workshop activities teaching letter-sound correspondence (see slide 42) and phonics skills using scripted DI curricula (see slide 45).  


3. WK 4: Before class activities – from Carnine et al. Ch. 8, generate lists of decodable words given known sounds, analyze sample sequences for teaching letter-sound combinations, create a virtual activity that could be used to teach word building 

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED  

1. WK 4 skills check: create a video model of using the error correction procedures outlined in Carnine et al. Ch. 8 


2. Reading Portfolio Lesson 1 

d. decoding and encoding, including morphological awareness 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED   

1. WK 4: In-class lecture on decoding with guided notes (see slides 16-48) 


2. WK 6: UFLI Team Activity Webinar 5: Teaching Decoding to Early Grades  


3. WK 7: Webinar 6: Teaching Decoding to Upper Elementary Grades 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. Weekly: UFLI Team Activity 


2. WK 4: In-class practice activities including identifying CVC word patterns (slide 33), teaching DI decoding format (slide 35), analyzing decodable text (slide 41), and creating decodable text (slide 43), end-of-class workshop decoding practice 

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. Reading Portfolio Lesson 2 

e. text reading fluency, including accuracy, prosody (expression), and rate (as an indicator of automaticity) 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED   

1. WK 6: UFLI Team Activity Webinar 5: Teaching Decoding to Early Grades 


2. WK 7: Teacher candidates read Ch. 8 from O’Connor and Vadasy on Fluency Problems: Why, When, & How to Intervene. They also read Carnine et al. Ch. 17 on Fluency Instruction and Passage Reading. The in-class lecture on fluency covers an overview of components of fluency (accuracy, rate, and expression), assessments, and interventions. Students learn how to administer the DIBELS oral reading fluency CBM and how to determine the instructional reading level of their students. 

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. WK 7: The guided notes for the fluency in-class lecture include opportunities for practice, including practice identifying supports for students who struggle with fluency and practice with prosody (see slide 26).  

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. Reading Portfolio Lesson 2 


f. instruction that is structured and organized as well as direct, systematic, and explicit 


EDUC 470: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

1. WK 2: Reading: Archer & Hughes Ch. 1 Exploring Foundations of Explicit Instruction; additionally, candidates watch videos and explore the companion website by Archer & Hughes.  


2. WK 3: Candidates read Ch. 2 from Archer & Hughes on designing explicit instruction lessons 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED  

3. WK 1: Readings: Carnine et al. Ch. 2. pp. 13-14; Ch. 17 (Harn et al., 2014) from the Handbook of Inclusive Practices is a comprehensive chapter on the evidence-based multi-tiered practices for designing and teaching literacy instruction for students with disabilities, with an emphasis on the importance of instruction that is explicit, systematic, and direct.  


4. WK 2: lecture includes a presentation on Direct, Systematic, and Explicit Instruction (see slides 5-43). 


5. Finally, in class, we do a deep dive of the National Institute for Direct Instruction website. We watch videos like this one on DI.  



EDUC 470: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

1. WK 2: In class, candidates watch this video on explicit instruction as a high-leverage practice in special education (from the Council for Exceptional Children and CEEDAR Center) and use this observation tool to identify and categorize evidence of explicit instruction. 


2. WK 4: In class candidates watch the video of 1:1 reading instruction and look for evidence of feedback routines (i.e., specific praise, error correction, prompting).  


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

3. WK 2: in-class workshop activities teaching letter-sound correspondence (see slide 42) and phonics skills using scripted DI curricula (see slide 45). 


4. WK 4: In-class practice activities including identifying CVC word patterns (slide 33), teaching DI decoding format (slide 35), analyzing decodable text (slide 41), and creating decodable text (slide 43), end-of-class workshop decoding practice 

EDUC 470: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

1. WK 3 Assignment: Developing Explicit Instruction Lesson Plans  


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

2. Reading Portfolio Lessons 1, 2, and 3 



g. connected, decodable text 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. WK 6: UFLI Team Activity Webinar 5: Teaching Decoding to Early Grades  


2. WK 7: Webinar 6: Teaching Reading to Upper Elementary Grades 


EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED  

1. WK 4: In-class practice activities including identifying CVC word patterns (slide 33), teaching DI decoding format (slide 35), analyzing decodable text (slide 41), and creating decodable text (slide 43), end-of-class workshop decoding practice 

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED  

1. Reading Portfolio Lesson 2 


h. Provide instruction in text reading fluency that emphasizes spelling and syllable patterns, semantics, morphology, and syntax.  

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. WK 5: This week covers advanced word reading. Before class, students read Ch 5 Morphemic Approaches for Reading Words in O’Connor & Vadasy and Ch. 15 Structural Analysis in Carnine et al. These chapters provide a rich and in-depth explanation of the importance of teaching morphology, patterns, semantics, and syntax. Here is a reading notes and warm-up handout students review at the beginning of class. The WK 5 in-class lecture includes the topic Advanced Word Reading. This lecture content covers processors and processor errors, affixes, instructional formats for teaching affixes in isolation, word lists, and context, instructional sequences for teaching affixes, syllable types, and rules of syllabication.  


2. WK 6: This week covers spelling and vocabulary instruction. Before class, students read Ch. 6 Teaching Spelling to Students with Learning Difficulties and Ch. 7 Making Vocabulary Interventions Effective and Engaging from O’Connor & Vadasy. During class, students warm up by reviewing tips for teaching spelling and reviewing spelling lists from Graham et al. Next, the in-class lecture includes spelling instruction (see slides 5-24). Finally, students review materials from the Spelling Mastery DI program.  

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. WK 5: Following the lecture during scheduled workshop time, students practice teaching affixes to one another using the Carnine format for teaching –ed on slide 56.   


2. WK 6: During class students are first lead through a whole group case study activity in which they read a case study about a 4th grade student and then analyze work samples. Based on the error analysis, the class identifies instructional activities that would meet this student's needs (see slides 19-22). 

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. Reading Portfolio Lesson 2 

i. Advance students’ progress in the elements of foundational skills, language, and cognitive skills that support them as they read and write increasingly complex disciplinary texts with comprehension and effective expression. 

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. WK 7: Before class, students watch two videos on vocabulary instruction. The first includes information about expressive and receptive language, types of words to teach included the tiers, the importance of wide reading, instructional formats for teaching the meaning of words and concepts (e.g., synonyms, definitions, example and non-example training), and contextual analysis. The second video is by Dr. Michael Kennedy and includes an example of a teacher teaching a read aloud that supports students' language, vocabulary, and cognition.   

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. WK 7: In class, students begin with a warm-up activity about teaching students conceptual understanding of academic vocabulary using example/non-example training with model, lead, test procedures. See additional materials on slides 2 and 3 of the lecture slides

EDUC 546: Reading and LA Instruction in SPED 

1. Reading Portfolio: Lesson 3 


2. Literacy Presentations from Yopp & Yopp. Students select a before, during, or after reading activity that supports vocabulary, language, or cognitive skills to improve reading or listening comprehension. Students present the activity and then model the activity by teaching the whole class using any materials needed for full participation. Students are assessed by the instructor and the whole group reflects on the experience.  


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