Becoming a teacher

School of Education Learning Goals

All candidates who complete a credential and/or master's degree in the School of Education will:
Be Qualified, Competent, and Caring Professional Educators
Candidates will demonstrate subject matter mastery, pedagogical and professional knowledge, and dispositions toward ethical practice that shape change as well as promote educational equity and equal access to learning for all students.
Integrate Principles and Practices of Professional Fields to Support Student Learning
Candidates will demonstrate the ability to translate theory into practice through Cal Poly's learn-by-doing approach, and utilize knowledge-building technologies to foster learning, mentoring, and leadership.
Engage in Cross-Disciplinary and Collaborative Practices
Candidates will understand the relationships of one discipline to another within their particular profession, and demonstrate the ability to establish collaborations and partnerships to enhance professional practices and support student success.
Demonstrate Authentic Assessments Designed for Student Success, Individual Growth, and Program Improvement
Candidates will develop and use assessments that are data-driven, involve multiple sources and opportunities, are linked to professional standards, and are used to modify programs and practices.
Effect Sustainable Communities in a Multicultural Environment
Candidates will assume leadership roles in schools, communities and their professional associations to shape change, ensure tolerance and inclusion, and advance principles of social justice. Candidates will promote comprehensive schooling to support educational equity for and access to college and career preparation.
Engage in Professional Practices
Candidates will demonstrate reflective practice, uphold professional standards, and enact dispositions for both personal growth and advancement of the education field. Candidates will initiate the practice of life-long learning by engaging in professional associations and establishing personal professional growth plans.

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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407