Program Co-Coordinator, Assistant Professor |
naneumann@calpoly.edu |
02-110 |
- Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership 2017
- Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Dissertation: A case study on the planning and implementation of a dual language immersion program within an elementary school in a K-12 school district.
- Master of Arts in Educational Leadership 2008
- Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA
- Bachelor of the Arts in Political Science and Spanish Literature 1997
- The University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA
- California Professional Clear Administrative Services Credential 2018
- Los Angeles County Office of Education, Los Angeles, CA
- GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) Certification 2018
- California Professional Clear Teaching Credential Single Subject, Spanish 2010
- Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA
- GATE Certification 2007
- University of California, Irvine
- California Professional Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Bilingual Authorization in Spanish 1999
- San Diego City School, San Diego, CA
Research Interests
Educational Leadership and Administration
- Leadership: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Dual Language Immersion Programs: Leadership, Practices, and Policies
- Neumann, N. & Hong, N. (2023, March). Multilingual Access: Creating Language Pathways from Elementary to High School. Multilingual Educator (p.71).
- Neumann, N. (2022, March). LGBTQ+ Policy, Advocacy, and Action for Educational Leaders. ACSA Leadership Magazine
- Somoza-Norton, A. & Neumann, N. (2021). The Impact of Climate Change on Education. In, The Roads to Integrating Sustainability in School Leadership and Teacher Preparation Programs (1st ed., pp. 10-22). ICPEL Publications.
- Somoza-Norton, A.F. & Neumann, N. (2021, June). The Assistant Principal as Instructional Leader: The Redesign of the AP Position in the 21st Century. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 6(1).
- Neumann, N. (2021, March). Multilingual Programs Promote Career Readiness: Fostering Communication and Empathy Through Multilingual Programs. ACSA Leadership Magazine.
- Neumann, N. (2020, March). Practical Findings for Implementing a Dual Language Immersion Program: Where does my district start? Multilingual Educator
- Neumann, N. & Chao, S. (2023, Fall). Mandarin Dual Language Educators Talk Pedagogy: Creating Community Across SoCal Districts. Soleado Newsletter: Dual Language Education of New Mexico
- Neumann, N., Somoza-Norton, A., Bridgeford, K., Muguira, T. (2023, June) Transformation Lab Change Package
- Somoza-Norton, A. F. & Neumann, N. (2021, December). Addressing the Teacher Shortage in California: Key Findings form the California Educator Recruitment and Retention Virtual Symposium 2.0 A Research Brief prepared for San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
- Somoza-Norton, A. F. & Neumann, N. (2021, June). Educator Recruitment and Retention: Key Findings in California, A Research Brief prepared for San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
- Somoza-Norton, A. F. & Neumann, N. (2020, February). Equity Data-Driven Leadership: What Do I Stand For? San Luis Obispo County Office of Education. ESS Missive, Educational Support Services (ESS) Department.
Courses Taught
California Polytechnic State University
Educational Leadership and Administration Program (ELAP) Master Courses:
- EDUC 513: Decision Making and Change Leadership
- EDUC 518: Administrative Fieldwork Series
- Fall, Winter, & Spring 2019-2023
- EDUC 500: Cal APA Support Class
- Fall and Winter 2019-2024
- EDUC 516: Educational Personnel Supervision and Evaluation
- EDUC 542: Administration of Special Programs
- EDUC 588: Education, Culture, and Learning
- EDUC 590: Research Application in Education
Loyola Marymount University
Bilingual Department, School of Education Undergraduate and Master Courses:
- EDES 414: Theories in Second Language Acquisition
- Spring & Fall Semesters, 2018
- EDES 425/426: Methods in English Language Development and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations at Cal Poly
- Neumann, N. & Chao, S. (2024, April). The Principal’s Perspective: Leveraging the Experiences of Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Program Site Administrators. Under Review to be presented as a paper at the national American Education Research Association (AERA), Division A: Administration, Organization, & Leadership, Section 5: Leadership Preparation Development. Philadelphia, P
- Neumann, N. & Chao, S., Gonzalez, R., (2024, April). Test-driving an ELD/SEL Hybrid: Fostering Teacher Self-Efficacy as a Vehicle for Student Accomplishments. Under Review to be presented as a paper at the national American Education Research Association (AERA), Division G: Social Context of Education, Section 3: Languages, Literacies, and Representations. Philadelphia, PA
- Brown, A., Bustamante, R., Drake, C., Gainsburg, J., Hsieh, B., Marks, S., Neumann, N., Ramirez, E., Simon, G., Whitney, E., (2024, April). A University System Transforming Teacher Preparation Through Initiatives to Recruit, Support, and Retain BIPOC Teachers. Under Review to be presented as a CSU Poster Session at the American Education Research Association (AERA) for the Center for Transformative Educator Preparation Programs (CTEPP), Research Team Cal Poly SLO (Neumann, N., Somoza-Norton, A., Bridgeford, K. & Muguira, T.) will share their Poster titled, K-16 Partnerships for Latinx Teacher Candidate and Hiring
- Neuman, N., Chao, S., (2024, March). Mandarin Dual Language Leadership: A Memo from the Principal’s Office. Under Review to be presented at the National Association of Bilingual Educators (NABE) Conference. New Orleans, LA
- Neuman, N., Chao, S., (2024, February). Mandarin Dual Language Leadership: Where’s the Principal’s Manual? Under Review to be presented at the annual conference of California Association of Bilingual Educators (CABE). Anaheim, CA
- Chao, S., Neuman, N. (2023, November). The Principal’s Perspective: Leveraging the Experiences of Mandarin DLI Site Administrators. To be presented at La Cosecha, Dual Language Education of New Mexico Conference. Albuquerque, NM
- Neumann, N., (2023, November). Voices of Dual Language Immersion Leaders on Their Own Professional Development. To be presented at La Cosecha, Dual Language Education of New Mexico Conference. Albuquerque, NM
- Neumann, N., Bridgeford, K., Muguira, T. (2023, June) K-16 Partnerships for Latinx Teacher Candidate and Hiring Poster Presentation at the CSU Convening for the Center for Transformational Educator Preparation Programs (CTEPP). Long Beach, CA
- Neumann, N., Cassidy, S., Camarena, I., Baskett, R. (2023, April). Dual Language Immersion Leadership Voices: A Multilingual Leadership Development Collaborative. Submitted as a roundtable session and invited to present as a paper presented at the national American Education Research Association (AERA), Division A: Administration, Organization, & Leadership, Section 5: Leadership Preparation Development. Chicago, IL
- Asuncion, G. Neumann, N., (2023, March). Latino Parent Engagement: Discoveries of a Partnership-Building Program presented with Cal Poly Graduate Student highlighting Action Research findings at the annual conference of California Association of Bilingual Educators. Long Beach, CA
- Neumann, N., Baskett, R. (2023, February). Voices of Dual Language Immersion Leaders: Louder as a Collaborative presented at the annual national conference National Association for Bilingual Education. Portland, OR
- Neumann, N., Baskett, R. (2022, March). Multilingual Education Expansion: Voices of Dual Language Immersion Leaders. Presented at the annual conference of California Association of Bilingual Educators. San Francisco, CA
- Neumann, N., Hong, N. (2022, March). Dual Language Immersion Meets World Languages: Creating a Secondary Pathway. Presented at the annual conference of California Association of Bilingual Educators. San Francisco, CA
- Neumann, N., Somoza-Norton, A. (2021, August). LGBTQ+ Policy, Advocacy, and Action for Educational Leaders. Asynchronous video presentation at the annual International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL). Virtual, Athens, Greece
- Neumann, N., Somoza-Norton, A. (2021, August). Neuroscience and Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) for Educational Leaders: Supporting Educators Post COVID-19 presentation at the annual International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL). Virtual, Athens, Greece
- Somoza-Norton, A. & Neumann, N., (June, 2021). The Impact of Climate Change on Educational Communities. Co-Presenter at the International Conference for Educational Leaders Without Borders. Virtual
- Neumann, N., Baskett, R., Brescia, J., Somoza-Norton, A. (2021, April). Celebrating Multiple Pathways to Bilingual Authorization and a Global California. Presented at the annual conference of California Association of Bilingual Educators. San Francisco, CA
- Neumann, N. (January, 2021). Establishing a Sustainable and Diverse Profession. Future Casting: Learning Lab to Close the Teacher Diversity Gap. Presented with CSU Chancellor’s Office Panel at the 73rd annual American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Virtual
- Neumann, N., & Somoza-Norton, A. F. (2020, March). Neuroscience for Leaders. Association of California School Administrators Mid-State Conference 2020. San Luis Obispo, California.
- Neumann, N., Somoza-Norton, A. (2020, March). Neuroscience for Educational Leaders: The Brain, Biases and Decision-Making. CSU Symposium on Teaching and Learning. Fullerton, CA (Conference canceled)
- Franceschini, K., Neumann, N. (2019, December 3). Building Cohesive Teams Through Coaching and Positive Leadership. Presented at the Annual California Induction Conference. Indian Wells, CA
Honors and Awards
Oak Avenue Intermediate School Teacher of the Year (2014-2015)
Temple City Unified School District Teacher of the Year (2008-2009)
Longden Elementary School Teacher of the Year (2008-2009)
Los Angeles County Digital Voice Teacher of the Year (2008-2009)