Becoming a teacher

Megan Guise

Megan Guise


rank Professor
office location 02-109



  • Ph.D.  English Education, University of Pittsburgh, 2009
  • M.Ed.  English Education, Millersville University, 2004
  • B.S.    English Education, Millersville University, 2002, magna cum laude

Research Interests

  • Teacher education and professional development
  • Effective pedagogy and curriculum
  • Teaching of writing
  • Teacher beliefs and instructional practices
  • Social-class specific responses to literature
  • Coteaching in the clinical practice
  • Teacher induction and new teacher support

Selected Publications

  • Guise, M., Dann, N. (2024). From surviving to thriving: Reducing new teacher burnout. California English, 30(1), 28-31. 
  • Flushman, T., Hegg, S., Guise, M., Sanford, J., & Stauch, N. (2024). Negotiation and reconciliation in the first year of teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education151, 104744.
  • Hegg, S. Guise, M., Taylor, S., Fernandez, S. (2024). Striving for cogenerative coplanning: An investigation into coteachers’ practice during the clinical experience. Teaching and Teacher Education147, 104647.
  • Guise, M., Hegg, S., Sanford, J., Flushman, T., & Stauch, N. (2024). Understanding and responding to the new teacher experience: One TEP’s commitment to connections of care. In A. W. Webb & M. Shoffner (Eds.), Care and teachers in the induction years: Supporting early career educators in today’s teaching landscape. Routledge.
  • Guise, M., Hegg, S., O'Shea, M., Stauch, N., & Hoellwarth, C. (2023). Collaborative discourse during coteaching: A case study of one in-service teacher's growth. Teaching and Teacher Education. 
  • Guise, M., Ambroso, E., Paulding, K., Moore, C., & Hegg, S. (2022). Preservice teacher reflection on coteaching implementation: Are we meeting the benchmarks? Journal of Teacher Education, 1-17.
  • Guise, M., Hegg, S., Hoellwarth, C., & O’Shea, M. (2022). Support for coteaching in clinical practice: The development and use of a coassessing rubric for collaboratively analyzing student learning. The New Educator, 8, 148-178.
  • Flushman, T., Guise, M., & Hegg, S. (2021). Partnership to support the social and emotional learning of teachers: A new teacher learning community. Teacher Education Quarterly, 48(3), 80-105. 
  • Guise, M., Hegg, S., Robbins, A. (2021). Learning together through coteaching coaching: A model of support for coteaching pairs in clinical practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 100, 1-12. 
  • Flushman, T. R., Hegg, S., & Guise, M. (2020). Using data for continuous improvement: Reflection by California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. In M. Miller (Ed.), New Generation of Educators Initiative: Transforming teacher preparation (pp. 58-61). The California State University.  
  • Flushman, T.R., Hegg, S.E., Guise, M.E., & Flessner, L. (2020). Transforming teacher preparation through partnership: Leveraging improvement science to support teacher induction. Journal for Quality Perspectives in Knowledge Acquisition, 10(1), 18-28.  
  • Guise, M., Hegg, S., Ronan, B., Flushman, T.R., & Grant, B. (2020). Supporting emergent bilingual professional development through supervisor feedback. Journal of Educational Supervision, 3(1), 55-75. 
  • Flushman, T.R., Guise, M., & Hegg, S. (2019). Improving supervisor written feedback: Exploring the what and why of feedback provided to pre-service teachers. Issues in Teacher Education, 28(2), 46-66. 
  • Guise, M., Thiessen, K., Robbins, A., & Habib, M. (2017). Continuum of co-teaching implementation: Moving from traditional student teaching to implementing co-teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 370-382.
  • Guise, M., & Friend, N. (2017). Demystifying poetry for middle school students through collaborative, multimodal writing.  Language Arts, 94(6), 395-406.
  • Guise, M., & Thiessen, K. (2017). From pre-service to employed teacher: Examining one year later the benefits and challenges of a co-teaching clinical experience.  Educational Renaissance, 5(1), 37-51.
  • Guise, M., Habib, M., Robbins, A., Hegg, S., Hoellwarth, C., & Stauch, N. (2016).  Pre-conditions for success & barriers to implementation: The importance of collaborative and reflective dispositions to foster professional growth during a coteaching clinical experience. Teacher Education Quarterly, 43(4), 55.
  • Guise, M., Thiessen, K., Robbins, A., Habib, M., Stauch, N., & Hoellwarth, C. (2016).  The evolution of clinical practice: Moving from traditional student teaching to co-teaching.  Handbook of research on teacher education and professional development. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Benko, S.L., Guise, M., Earl, C., & Gill, W. (2016)  More than social media:  Using Twitter with preservice teachers as a means of reflection and engagement in communities of practice.  Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 16(1), Retrieved from
  • Thein, A.H., Guise, M., & Sloan, D.L. (2015). Examining the circulation of emotional rules in the English classroom: A Critical Discourse Analysis of one student’s literary responses in two academic contexts. Research in the Teaching of English, 49(3), 200-223.
  • Guise, M., & Benko, S.L. (2014). Scaffolding pre-service English teachers to teach secondary students how to utilize digital tools when composing. In R.S. Anderson & C. Mims (Eds.), Digital tools for writing instruction in K-12 settings: Student perception and experience. IGI Global.
  • Guise, M. (2013). Forming university and teacher partnerships in an effort to reframe and rethink mentoring programs. English Journal102(3) 65-70.
  • Thein, A.H., Guise, M., & Sloan, D.L. (2012). Exploring the significance of social class identity performance in the English classroom: A case study analysis of a literature circle discussion. English Education44(3) 215-253.
  • Thein, A.H., Guise, M., & Sloan, D.L. (2011). Problematizing literature circles as forums for discussion of multicultural and political texts. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy55(1) 15-24.

Courses Taught

  • EDUC 414: Curriculum and Inquiry in Public Schools
  • EDUC 416: Literacy, Language, & Culture in the Content Areas
  • EDUC 523: Integrative Approaches to Curriculum
  • ENGL 361: Reading Instruction for the Teaching of Young Adult Literature
  • ENGL 424: Teaching English in Secondary Schools
  • ENGL 425: English Clinical Experience Seminar

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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407