Becoming a teacher

Equity in Education Minor

The Equity in Education Minor (EEM) is an undergraduate course of study that develops students’ knowledge, understanding, and skills along three education pathways. All pathways allow students to explore the historical, philosophical, and ethical foundations of education while also offering the opportunity to individualize the program of study to support personal and career goals. Please see the detailed breakdown of the pathways below and consult the EEM adviser to learn more about the minor and its pathways.

The EEM does not confer or necessarily lead to a California teaching credential, but it does provide a solid foundation for entry to a credential program or future graduate study in education and related fields.

The EEM is open to any major with the exception of Liberal Studies

The EEM requires 24 quarter units to complete. At least half of the units must be from upper-division courses (300- or 400-level). Many EEM courses are General Education courses that double count towards the minor and GE. Some EEM courses have prerequisites. Please review your planned pathway using the course catalog for the most up-to-date information about both: Course catalog page


K-12 Teaching Pathway

The K-12 Teaching Pathway includes three different strands that include prerequisites courses needed for entrance into a Cal Poly credential program (Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Special Education).

K-12 Teaching Pathway Coursework

Students interested in K-12 teaching are recommended to pursue one of these teaching strands. 

K-12 Teaching Strands

*   Prerequisite to Cal Poly Multiple Subject Credential Program
**  Prerequisite to Single Subject Credential Program
*** Prerequisites to the Special Education Credential Program

GE Course counts for GE and EEM credit see catalog for details
Prereq Course has prerequisite see catalog for details

Core Courses

EDUC 300: Historical, Philosophical, and Social Foundations of Public Education*/**
       OR  SCM 300 Early Field Experience (For STEM majors/Single Subject Pathway)**
3 units
4 units
ES 112: Race, Culture, Politics in the US 4 units (GE)

EDUC 207: Children's Learning and Development in Educational Settings*

Minor students can contact the minor adviser for a permission code to take EDUC 207 even if they do not have the PSY 201 or 202 prerequisite. 

4 units (Prereq)


Electives for Elementary Education Strand

EDUC 427: Theories, Methods, and Assessment of First and Second Language

Acquisition in Schools*

4 units (Prereq)

EDUC 428: Foundations of K-8 Literacy Teaching and Learning in Schools with

Diverse Populations*

4 units (Prereq)
Other Approved Electives 5 units


Electives for Special Education Strand

EDUC 427: Theories, Methods, and Assessment of 1st and 2nd Language

Acquisition in Schools*/***

4 units (Prereq)
SPED 420: Understanding Special Education*** 4 units (Prereq)
Other Approved Electives 4-5 units


Electives for Secondary Education Strand

EDUC 427: Theories, Methods, and Assessment of First and Second Language

Acquisition in Schools

4 units (Prereq)

ENGL 361: Reading Instruction in Adolescent Literature (English Single Subject

candidates only)

4 units (Prereq)
Other Approved Electives 4-9 units


Education Studies or Social Justice & Critical Pedagogy Pathways 

These two pathways do not complete prerequisites for Cal Poly credential programs and are therefore suggested for students who are interested in education outside of K-12 school settings. The Education Studies pathway would prepare students interested in pursuing careers and graduate study in the fields of Adult Education, Higher Education/Student Affairs, and Educational Leadership and Administration. Social Justice & Critical Pedagogy pathway would prepare students interested in careers or graduate study in the fields of Higher Education, non-profit or community education.

Education Studies Pathway Coursework

GE Course counts for GE and EEM credit see catalog for details
Prereq Course has prerequisite see catalog for details


Core Courses

EDUC 300: Historical, Philosophical, and Social Foundations of Public Education

          OR SCM 300 Early Field Experience

3 units

4 units

ES 112: Race, Culture, Politics in the US 4 units (GE)
PSY 256: Developmental Psychology 4 units (Prereq)

Recommended Electives (Choose 12-13 units from the following)

SOC 111: Social Problems 4 units
PSY 357: Cognition 4 units (Prereq)
STAT 410: Statistics Education: Pedagogy, Content, Technology, and Assessment 4 units (Prereq)
LS 214: Constitutional Issues in the History of U.S. and California Education 4 units
LS 350: Identity and Equity in American Schools 4 units (GE Prereq)
WLC 370: Language, Technology and Society 4 units (GE Prereq)
Other Approved Electives varies

Social Justice & Critical Pedagogy Pathway Coursework

GE Course counts for GE and EEM credit see catalog for details
Prereq Course has prerequisite see catalog for details


Core Courses

EDUC 300: Historical, Philosophical, and Social Foundations of Public Education

          OR SCM 300: Early Field Experience

3 units

4 units

ES 112: Race, Culture, Politics in the US 4 units (GE)

EDUC 207: Children's Learning and Development in Educational Settings

          OR PSY 256: Developmental Psychology

Minor students can contact the minor adviser for a permission code to take EDUC 207 even if they do not have the PSY 201 or 202 prerequisite. 

4 units

4 units (Prereq)

Recommended Electives (Choose 12-13 units from the following)

ES 380: Critical Race Theory 4 units (GE Prereq)
ES 350: Gender, Race, Science & Technology 4 units (GE Prereq)
ES 381: Social Construction of Whiteness 4 units (GE Prereq)
EDUC 405: Social Historical and Cultural Influences on Latinx Students in Education 4 units (Prereq)
EDUC 403:  Developing Teachers of Color 4 units (Prereq)
WLC 312: Humanities in Chicano/a Culture 4 units (GE Prereq)
LS 350: Identity and Equity in American Schools 4 units (Prereq)
Other Approved Electives varies



How to sign up for the EEM

  1. Review the above pathways and decide on an anticipated path.
  2. Complete a brief statement of purpose that explains your interest in pursuing the EEM. This statement should be 100-250 words and emailed directly to the EEM adviser (Dr. Efrain Brito, The statement of purpose can be submitted as a Word document or .pdf file. 
  3. Consult with the EEM adviser (Dr. Efrain Brito, This consultation can occur over email, in person, or by Zoom.  
  4. Complete and submit the digital EEM Adobe Sign form.


Equity in Education Minor (EEM) Info Sessions

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process, program structure & coursework, and to get your questions answered!



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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407