Preliminary Admin Services Credential Program Completion Requirements

Credential applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements for the Five-Year Preliminary Administrative Services Credential or Certificate of Eligibility.


Individuals must satisfy all the following requirements:

  1. Possess a valid prerequisite credential.
  2. Complete a Commission-approved program of specialized and professional preparation in administrative services, including the Administrative Performance Assessment (APA), resulting in the formal recommendation of the program sponsor.
    1. CalAPA Testing 
  3. Satisfy the basic skills requirement. See Commission leaflet CL-667, entitled Basic Skills Requirement, for additional information.
  4. Complete five years of full-time experience (see Terms and Definitions).
  5. Verify employment in an administrative position on form CL-777.


Credential applicants who do not have an administrative position at the time of recommendation can be recommended for a Certificate of Eligibility. The Certificate of Eligibility is a document issued to individuals who have completed a program for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential but are not currently employed in an administrative position. The Certificate of Eligibility allows the holder to seek employment in his/her area of certification.



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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407