Early Assessment Program Sends Math Teachers to Summer Institute

The Cal Poly Early Assessment Program (EAP) was awarded funds from the Cotchett Endowment to bring enhanced professional development to the senior math high school teachers in our region. We will use these funds to send a professor from Cal Poly’s Mathematics Department, two math administrators and three high school math teachers to a summer math institute in Sacramento. These participants will return to train our region’s teachers.

The EAP senior math course focuses on Common Core Standards and includes real-life problem solving and interactive teaching methods. This course will support and enrich the math skills of our 12th grade high school students. The Cal Poly EAP is involved with teacher training and professional development that will allow our high school teachers to teach this special course. The purpose of our program is to reduce the number of students who attend college and need remedial math courses.

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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407