Tanya Flushman, Ph.D.

Tanya Flushman


rank Professor
email tflushma@calpoly.edu
office location 02-133



  • 2012 Doctor of Philosophy Department of Teaching and Learning Vanderbilt University Concentration: Learning, Teaching and Diversity Emphasis: Language, Literacy and Culture
  • 2006 Master of Science in Education State University of New York, College at Buffalo Emphasis: Curriculum, Instruction and Research
  • 2000 Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with CLAD emphasis, San Francisco State University, Muir Alternative Teacher Education Program
  • 1998 Bachelor of Arts University of California, Santa Cruz Major: Modern Literary Studies


Research Interests

  • Content literacy learning in preschool and elementary school (with an emphasis in science)
  • Writing, reading, and language development and instruction in preschool and elementary school
  • Curriculum development and implementation
  • Qualitative research methods
  • Multicultural education
  • Sociocognitive and sociocultural theories of literacy learning and instruction




  • Flushman, T.R. (2021). Practices that support the integration of literacy and science in elementary school. The California Reader, 54(1).
  • Flushman, T.R., Guise, M.E., & Hegg, S. (2021). Partnership to support the social and emotional learning of teachers: A New Teacher Learning Community. Teacher Education Quarterly, 48(3).
  • Flushman, T.R., Hegg, S.E., Guise, M.E., & Flessner, L. (2020). Transforming teacher preparation through partnership: Leveraging improvement science to support teacher induction. Journal for Quality Perspectives in Knowledge Acquisition, 10(1), 18-28.
  • Flushman, T.R. (2020). News from the Center for the Advancement of Reading and Writing. The California Reader, 53(3), 34-35.
  • Guise, M., Hegg, S., Ronan, B., Flushman, T.R., & Grant, B. (2020). Supporting emergent bilingual professional development through supervisor feedback. Journal of Educational Supervision, 3(1), 55-75.
  • Flushman, T. R., Hegg, S., & Guise, M. (2020). Using data for continuous improvement: Reflection by California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. In M. Miller (Ed.), New Generation of Educators Initiative: Transforming teacher preparation (pp. 58-61). The California State University.
  • Carter, A., & Flushman, T.R. (2020). Multiple means of engagement in elementary social studies. Journal of Teacher Action Research, 6(2), 119-139.
  • Flushman, T.R., Guise, M., & Hegg, S. (2019). Improving supervisor written feedback: Exploring the what and why of feedback provided to pre-service teachers. Issues in Teacher Education, 28(2), 46-66.
  • Valentina, V., & Flushman, T.R. (2017). Emphasis of university supervisor feedback to teacher candidates. Journal of Student Research, 6(2), 45-55.
  • Flushman, T.R., Parker, M., Cabrera Mendoza, E. (2016).  Reading and writing to learn: Literacy and science integration in 4th grade classrooms. The California Reader, 50(1), pgs. 31-39.
  • Rowe, D.W., & Flushman, T.R. (2013).  Best Practices in Early Writing Instruction. In D.Barone & M. Mallette (Eds.), Best Practices in Early Literacy Instruction.  New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Jiménez, R.T., Rose, B.C., Cole, M.W., & Flushman, T.R. (2011).  English Language Learners: Language and relationships.  In D. Lapp & D. Fisher (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts, 3rd ed.  NY:  Routledge.
  • Dickinson, D.K., Flushman, T.R., & Freiberg, J.B. (2009).  Vocabulary reading and classroom supports for language.  In B. Richards, M.H. Daller, D.D. Malvern, P. Meara, J. Milton, & J. Treffers-Daller (Eds.), Vocabulary studies in first and second language acquisition.  UK:  Palgrave Macmillan.



Funded Grants


  • Flushman, T.R, & Jipson, J. (2023). Integrated Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Grant.
  • Guise, M.E., Flushman, T.R., & Ronan, B. (2018). Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP): Pathways and Partnership to Ensure Student Success.
  • Flushman, T.R. and Wood, A.L. (2016). S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, New Generation of Educators  Initiative (NGEI).
  • Flushman, T.R. (2016). Better Together: California Teacher Summit. CSU Fullerton.

Courses Taught


  • EDUC 428: Foundations of K-8 Literacy Teaching and Learning for Diverse Populations
  • EDUC 532: Advanced Fieldwork
  • EDUC 586: Introduction to Inquiry in Education
  • EDUC 589: Educational Research Methods
  • EDUC 598: Action Research Project in Education


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School of Education
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407