Conference Information
- What is CCTT Challenge Day? The idea of a challenge day was started at Sonoma State as part of their Digital Ambassador program and has travelled to other campuses including CSU Channel Islands. These events range from student competitions to teacher-sharing of resources and ideas. At Cal Poly we hope that teachers will challenge themselves to try something new about integrating technology into their teaching by participating actively in this "Challenge Day" and going back to their classrooms ready to apply what they have learned! Most sessions at the Cal Poly event will have an emphasis on Common Core State Standards and/or Next Generation Science Standards to help showcase how technology can help K-12 teachers meet these new curriculum standards.
- BYOD: This is a "Bring Your Own Device Event." Guest wi-fi access will be available, but we will ask you to restrict usage to only one device at a time. We will provide iPads at the iPad workshops, but otherwise you should bring your own tablet or laptop to get the most out of all the hands-on workshop sessions.
- Registration Payment information
- View Conference Program
- Parking Information and Campus Map
- Pre-conference survey [please complete before the keynote address]
- Post-Conference Survey
- Google Doc with links from presenters
Conference Schedule
8:30 |
Registration & Coffee |
9:00 |
Opening remarks |
9:10 |
Keynote - Holly Clark |
10:00 |
Session 1 - Teacher presentations & workshops
(elementary, secondary, & beginner tracks)
11:10 |
Session 2 - Teacher presentations & workshops
(elementary, secondary, & beginner tracks)
12:00 |
1:00 |
Hands-on Workshops
(beginner sessions offered)
2:00 |
Closing Plenary - Beverly Young |
2:45 |
Door Prizes & Networking |
About the Keynote & Plenary speakers
Game Changers: How Connections and Collaboration are Redefining Learning
Author of the Connected Student Series on, and current K-12 administrator, Holly Clark discusses the power of connected learning and student global collaborations to redefine the classroom and engage all learners.
Holly Clark, M.Ed., Google Certified Teacher, CUE International presenter
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Overview
Beverly Young from the CSU Chancellor’s office will overview the new Smarter Balanced Assessment, highlighting implementation progress in our State and throughout local school districts, and the advantages to student learning.
Beverly Young, Assistant Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, California State University
Sample Teacher presentations:
Blogging In the Elementary Classroom Participants will see how blogging is changing writing in classrooms. Students have a much wider audience. No longer are they just writing for their classmates and teachers. They are now writing for the world to see. Students express their thoughts, passions, and learnings with others from around the world.
The Sound of the Common Core Classroom Too many teachers strive for library-like silence in their classrooms, often starving their students’ natural appetite for sound. Participants will hear how music, the lifeblood of the noisy classroom, is used along with argument, discussion, public speaking, group work, and movement to promote assessment success in the Common Core classroom.
Using Schoology and the Flipped Classroom to Increase Student Engagement and Mastery of the Next Generation Science Standards By the end of the presentation, participants will gain the skills to incorporate the Schoology LMS and flipped instruction in their own classrooms immediately. Incorporation of other online learning tools such as Google tools, digital portfolios, YouTube lessons, and untethered iPad-based lesson presentation will also be covered.
CSI: Physics Collisions This session will demonstrate how to incorporate real-world experiences and student interests to teach curriculum. A real crime scene is created and students, or "collision experts" investigate the crime scene and provide recommendations on pressing charges to the police department via memos and whiteboard presentations to the class. Physics concepts involved: kinematics, energy, forces, momentum.
Sample Hands-on Workshops offered:
Make CCSS and NGSS come alive — Using Computer Modeling as a Communication Tool and for Inquiry-Based Learning! What is computer modeling? How does it work? Who uses it? Why is modeling such an important part of CCSS and NGSS? How can you start using these tools in your classroom today? During this talk, we demonstrate a free, open-sources tool called NetLogo that you can download and use in your classroom to engage students in modeling and arguing from evidence – key practices in both CCSS and NGSS. Other info: This workshop is open to all but recommended for grades 4-12 teachers. You can download NetLogo from the Center for Connected Learning at Northwestern University on your laptop at Presenter: Dr. Vic Castillo, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Center for Excellence in STEM Education at Cal Poly SLO
Introduction to Google Apps for Education Discover how you can transform your classroom into a showcase for Common Core infused digital lessons and activities in this session designed for beginners. We'll define cloud computing, explore the concept of students as content producers, and examine what a 21st century classroom workflow looks like through the lens of Google Apps for Education. Presenters: John Miller, King City School District & Liz Meyer, Cal Poly School of Education
Making Connections with Social Media "I'm so far behind with using technology in my classroom, that I don't know where to begin." Sound familiar? Learn how to build your own highly customized personal learning network for professional development. Connect with other educators just like you and discover how to leverage social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to reach students, parents, and colleagues around the world. Presenters: John Miller, King City School District & Liz Meyer, Cal Poly School of Education
Hands on iPads: Tips and tricks in the classroom. Beginner Level. This session will cover tips and tricks on iPad use in the classroom. Come try out the iPad and learn some tips and tricks for classroom use and explore two apps that will enhance student engagement. Participants will leave with effective ways to utilize the iPad in the classroom. Discussion and Q&A from Coast USD Rock Star Teacher and Director of Technology. Presenters: Henry Danielson & Colleen Poynter Coast USD Cambria 1:1 iPad grades 6-12
Sponsors & Partners
Sponsors: Funding for this event is provided by Google, the CSU Digital Ambassador Program, Cal Poly School of Education Dean's Office, and the TQP (Teacher Quality Programs) grant.
Partners: The planning for this event happened with the support of individuals from the Cal Poly School of Education, CESaME, and SLOCUE.
Early Bird Rate: $30
CUE Member Rate: $30
General Admission Rate (After 1/17): $45
Cal Poly Students: First 30 to register are free, after that you can opt to pay the $30 CUE fee or be placed on the waiting list.
Please send your check to:
Teacher Quality Programs Grant
Attn.: Sarah Hegg
Building 02-113A
Cal Poly University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Checks should be made payable to: Cal Poly Corporation
**If we have not received your check by: February 5, 2014 we will not be able to hold your registration.