
Sample main imageOverview of Coinstructing

After coplanning a lesson, coteachers then have the opportunity to coteach that lesson. We define coinstructing as: Two teachers in the classroom both contributing meaningfully to the learning process of students by assuming complementary roles during a lesson and utilizing a coinstructional strategy (or strategies) that best support student learning.

Researchers and practitioners (Bacharach, Heck, & Dahlberg, 2010) have identified six coinstructional strategies that coteachers may implement when coteaching. 

  • One teach/one observe
  • One teach/one assist
  • Differentiated teaching
  • Parallel teaching
  • Station teaching
  • Team teaching

Identification of High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices

Through the coding and analysis of video-recorded cotaught lessons, our research team has identified the following high-leverage coinstructing practices:

  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role that is flexible based on student need
  • Smooth transitions between coteachers keeps students engaged
  • Coinstructional strategy enhances whole class and individual learning
  • Interactions between coteachers are highly respectful
  • Students view both coteachers as an equal and valued facilitator of learning
  • Coteachers initiate communication to each other during the lesson
  • Conversations informed by student data resulting in shared decision-making about real-time adjustments to instruction

Coinstructing Videos

We have organized the coinstructing videos by coinstructional strategy (e.g., team teaching, parallel). For each constructional strategy listed below, click on the expandable box to access the video clip(s) provided. Each clip includes brief information about the teaching context (e.g., grade, subject) as well as the identification of which high-leverage coinstructing practices are showcased in the clip.

One teach, one assist

Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
Kindergarten Survival of animals and plants
  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role
  • Coinstructional strategy enhances whole class and individual learning
  • Interactions between coteachers are highly respectful
  • Coteachers initiate communication to each other during lesson
Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
Kindergarten Survival of animals and plants
  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role
  • Coinstructional strategy enhances whole class and individual learning
Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
2nd Using place value models
  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role
Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
High School Math U-substitution
  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role
  • Smooth transitions between coteachers
  • Coteachers initiate communication to each other during the lesson
Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
High School English Parallel Structure
  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role
  • Coinstructional strategy enhances whole class and individual learning


Differentiated teaching

Videos coming soon!

Parallel teaching

Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
High School Math U-substitution
  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role
  • Coinstructional strategy enhances whole class and individual learning


Station teaching

Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
1st Compound words
  • Coinstructional strategy enhances whole class and individual learning


Team teaching

Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
High school English The Kite Runner
  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role
  • Smooth transitions between coteachers keeps students engaged
  • Interactions between coteachers are highly respectful
Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
5th Modeling instructions for a reading activity
  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role
  • Coinstructional strategy enhances whole class and individual learning
Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
2nd Using Place value models
  • Both coteachers actively engaged with a clear role
  • Smooth transitions between coteachers keeps students engaged
  • Coinstructional stategy enhances whole class and individual learning
Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
Middle School, ELA Reading & analyzing a text
  • Actively engaged with clear roles
  • Smooth transitions between coteachers
  • Coteachers initiate communication to each other during lesson
Grade Focus of Coinstructing High-Leverage Coinstructing Practices
Middle School, ELA Perspective taking
  • Actively engaged with clear roles
  • Smooth transitions between coteachers
  • Interactions between coteachers are highly respectful


Additional Resources




Coteaching Video Collection Homepage 

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